Spine Killer

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                      The Biggest Kill

   A horror novel by: Connor Furan

Chapter 1:The awakening

Chapter 2:The hallucinations

Chapter 3:The mask

Chapter 4:The gift

Chapter 5:The rebel

Chapter 6:Breakdown on the road 

Chapter 7:Death by look

Chapter 8:The new world 

Chapter 9: The New Friend

Chapter 10:The warrior



                    Chapter 1: The Awakening


          As Beth ran to the road to get someone's attention she noticed that as the creature burned his or her mask didn't burn with it. Beth then with all her might went towards the monster and ripped its mask off. This made Beth petrified as when she did she looked at the face beneath it. It was like it had been mushed with all the things Beth feared as a child. Then like that the creature disappeared. Beth than ran back towards the road and saw a car. The car stopped and as soon as it did she passed out. The guy must have brought her to the hospital because when she awoke she was in one but it was weird it was all dark and freaky. She kept hearing a laugh and a scream at the same time. Then it disappeared from her eyes it was now a normal there were people who were either doctors or patients. Beth was relieved that she was not dead but she remembered the mask and the smiling spider spell. The kids she was babysitting were dead. Meanwhile there was a group of doctors heading toward somewhere. Beth being herself decided to followed them. The group went into a large dark room and then they started to chant “ Bring the shadows of our nightmares to this world. Ach ma ki ka si so mek. Bring the nightmares to our world from there's to ours. Ach mek si.” Then they stopped. They started to look towards were Beth was hiding. Then they threw a large dagger at her but it missed Beth grabbed it and as she was trying to run out a dark and shaggy dog ran in and bit the leader.Beth ran to her room as fast as she could but right when she was about to run into the room the world changed into the dark and freaky like the one she had seen earlier. It reminded her of a sort of nightmare of some sorts and there were flying shadows.

Beth was still running from the group but she kept stumbling all over the rocks. Then like that she was back in her room on her bed. Beth said to herself “ I'm hallucinating that's it. I'm not crazy.” She saw the dog run right past her and as it did she noticed that the dog was fading away. When Beth went to see where it had went the dog was gone.

               Chapter 2:The hallucinations

      When Beth was well enough to go home she asked her mom how her vacation was. “ It was fun. Me and your father discussed things.”  Beth’s mom replied with. Beth didn’t bother to ask what things they discussed. On the ride home Beth fell asleep. When Beth woke up she was in the mysterious world. Beth screamed because what she saw wasn’t a hallucination. It was the smiling man. He was feeding of a deer. Then he turned his head towards Beth and said in a shaggy but sore throat voice “ Well look who decided to give me a visit and brought me lunch how sweet. It’s too bad you're the lunch or you would enjoy it with me.” Beth got up and ran far from where he was. “ this is my world i control what you do here. So don’t try to run from me i will catch you.” As Beth was about to die the same dog came in and bite the smiling guy’s face. As soon as Beth was released she ran and then tripped on a stone, but before she hit the ground she woke up in the car. When Beth got out of the car she noticed bruises on her arm. Her neck also hurt really bad. Beth for the rest of the day was afraid to fall asleep that day because of what had happened today. Beth called her friend and told her what had happened today. Rachel said “ I think the medication you took before you passed out is the reason why this is happening.” “What are you talking about? I never took any medication before I passed out.” Beth then remembered what the mask could do. It could somehow become an object. Beth hung up on her friend and fell asleep that night hoping to see the smiling guy again, but she didn’t that night it was weird. When Beth woke up in the morning she heard the news say that there was a break in the halloween store down the street 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2020 ⏰

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