Chapter 1

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I stared at the computer screen in disbelief, reading the sentence over and over again. “Congratulations, you have won Good Morning America’s Ask1D Contest!” I read it slowly aloud, then screamed. 

“MOM!” I yelled downstairs. “I WON THE CONTEST!” I bounced up and down. This is by far the best thing that has ever happened to me.

“That’s great, Lia,” my mother said absentmindedly, probably not even looking up from her computer screen. I sighed and read through the rest of the email, remembering when I had entered the contest a month ago. 


I stared at the homepage of with wide eyes. “YOU could interview 1D on Good Morning America!” I clicked on the link and read through the article. I had to come up with ten questions to ask One Direction in an interview, other than “What do you look for in a girl??” and “Would you ever date a fan??” I spent a few hours brainstorming and picking out ten of my favorite questions. I hit enter and lived in anxiety for the next four weeks...until I received this email.

*End Flashback*

I got to fly out to New York with my parents and interview them at 9am on a Saturday, AND I got front row seats to the concert on the GMA lawn. The interview was said to last about fifteen minutes (they also selected questions from other fans, who received a signed poster) AND I got to eat lunch with them. A Directioner’s ultimate dream. Too bad they wouldn’t like me.

I looked down at my shorts, immediately noticing the scars on my thighs, along with a few bandages. I did my best to ignore them and move on. I sent an email back to the producer, saying that I was looking forward to the appearance and I would send in a signed note from my parents soon. He almost immediately replied, saying that he’d like the waiver as soon as possible so he could mail me the first-class tickets to New York as soon as possible. I scribbled as fast as I could to fill out the form with my parents’ information. 

I ran downstairs. “MOM!”


Sooo...this is my new fanfic xD The first-ever chapter is dedicated to @xSingLoveLaughx because she's perf. And I love her. And she'll never read this, but she's my bestest friend. Kay? Kay.

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