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This story is going to have Larry and Ziam so if you're homophobic or don't ship them then get the fuck off of my story.

They all gathered in one circle,

in a small room with white walls and dull gray concrete floor. There was nine people located in the circle including a middle aged man who thinks he better than them.

"Okay why don't we go in a circle" The middle aged man asked and took the silence as a yes. "Okay, you" He said pointing at a dark skinned girl who was sitting with an slight from on her face as she realized the small group was looking at her." Well, I am Jada and I suffer from OCD. Um, I was diagnosed when I was sixteen, I think. Well, sixteen, seventeen, yeah. I don't really know why I began doing this but I need to eat everything in pairs, for example; three fries,three lettuce leaves, three of everything. I brush my teeth three times a day, sometimes four for good luck, ya know, um. I always check my alarm clock three times before I go to bed to make sure it has been set for 3:33am. I really like the number three. " Jada looks at her hands as she finishes. Her face became flushed as she finishes and her voice light and shaky.

" Um, I'm Harry and I have Bipolar Depression. Its like one second I am happy and enjoying life and the next second I am sitting with a loaded gun to my head questioning my existence and um, I feel like there is no light in my life. I am scared to go to sleep sometimes because I don't like to be left alone with my thoughts. I don't know what triggered the depression in the first place but I just need some love in my life, I am sick of waking up to an empty bed and eating dinner alone. I just want somebody to cure my sadness. " Harry said as he looked at his shaky hands as he stopped speaking. He noticed a cute boy sitting beside him and his mood went up just a little bit.

" Um, I'm Louis and I am anorexic. I don't like food because I'm fat. Whenever I look into the mirror I see a fat boy ; so I figured that I could just stop eating and all my problems would go away, but that didn't happen. I would compare myself to other people and constantly put myself down, I was at an all time low. So now I'm coming here and I hope I can recover from this because I really don't want to die. I don't want to let my mum down anymore then I already have. " Louis held back tears as he thought of his mum crying over him.

" Uh, I'm Alison and I've been diagnosed with bulimia. I really like food, and I would binge eat for hours. So shamefully, I would make myself sick. The feeling of an empty stomach once I was done made it all worth it. I've tried all of those bullshit dieting pills and none of them worked so this was my last resort. " Alison said as her confidence drained with every breath.

" I'm Niall and well I am a um, sex addict. Its all I ever think about, at first I would just have a wank everyone other week but it soon became everyday, and when that wasn't enough I started to have one night stands, twice a night! My record was 5 fucks in one night but anyways, I feel disgusted with myself once its over and I just want to find something else to do, I pay over $100 a month just for porn sites alone! I just want help so I can have a stable healthy relationship with someone. " Niall said with a slight smirk on face when he thought about sex.

" I'm Zayn and I have social anxiety, so this is very terrifying for more me to say, it started when I was in 7th Grade and the night before something like a presentation I would lie and bed and think about what other people were going to say/think about me when I went up. When it finally came time to present I started crying because some of the kids were 'looking at me the wrong way'. Its something that affects my life to the point where I cant even get a girlfriend or keep a healthy relationship with another person. If someone looks at me my immediate thought is 'they think I'm ugly' or 'they think I'm stupid' and I just really want to be comfortable with myself" Zayn finished as he looked down at his shoes and took deep breathes, 'good job' he mouthed to himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2014 ⏰

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