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"I hate him, I hate him, I hate him!" Mark growled in fury, standing in the bathroom while kicking the empty tube of a toilet role to the wall and back. The old fashioned black and white tiles lining the floor were slightly chipped from age, and the walls were an overly disinfected white colour.

"Chill out," Chenle sighed, sitting up on the bench of sinks as the only people in there were them. The reflection of his back in the mirror moved as he kicked his legs back and forth. "You get so worked up."

The older was seething. There wasn't a soul on this planet who could've possibly understood how frustrated and angry he was.

Donghyuck was taking his sleep away. The only thing he truly wanted was a decent night of rest, and the raging devil incarnate wouldn't even give him that.

The younger was also mentally giving him hell. It was obvious that Donghyuck wasn't even particularly homophobic, just Mark-phobic. Anything and everything the ravenette did was a crime, and he was sick of it.

"I don't know if I can make it," the older sighed tiredly, glaring up at his reflection in the mirrors and seeing the withered and defeated look in his eyes. "Two years......its too long."

Chenle watched his friend curiously, tilting his head to the side with his mind investigating every possibility of making the shorter's life better. "There's......" he paused, breath hitching as he attempted to shake off the 'outsider' feeling. "There's something you're not telling us, isn't there?"

Mark leaned his palms against the marble bench, tugging his lower lip between his teeth and sighing. "Even if I was, there's nothing you could do to help."

"At least tell me how bad Donghyuck has gotten," Chenle huffed. "C'mon, Mark. Am I that beneath you?"

"Never," he threw his head back and groaned, "But I promised myself that I'd say here I am."

The door swung open and three random students shuffled inside. They joked about as each entered a separate cubicle.

"Let's go," the Chinese suggested, sliding off the marble surface and walking towards the door with a crestfallen expression.

Mark couldn't even work up the energy to feel guilty. All that power he used to have to fight was fading away so quickly.

Both were met with a rather absurd scene wherein Jaemin was trying to climb a beam to reach the ceiling, Jeno was stressing over his stupidity at the bottom and the remaining three were sort of encouraging it by clapping. This was all taking place in the lobby with the front doors a few metres away.

"Guys!" Mark hissed, "We were gone ten minutes! What is your deal?"

Renjun shifted his gaze to the pair who had returned and snickered, "Oh don't be so stiff, Mark. He's having a bit of fun."

𝗽𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗸; markhyuck Where stories live. Discover now