It was really hard to cope with the world

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  So it was really hard for  me to cope with everything been bullied and the rest been ignored by the world. I would be so scared to tell anyone

   So aunt got me a pink diary on my 8th birthday. It was the best gift ever ... I smiled at her when she gave it to me

    My dairy was also a strange part of my life. Some other kids had dairy containing secret and silly things was filled with random facts, strange thought coming with tears and the ink blurred with blood. It was hell for me

    My aunt and uncle really dealt With me just because they had to take care of me. They'd beat me up for every little thing, they'd beat me till I bleed. I suffer a lot staying with my aunt and uncle

  I had no friends, and all I could remember was my brothers smile, the death of my parents was a pain I couldn't take it because they had to leave me all alone in this cruel world

   ...... To be continued..

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