Call To Action

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"How much longer will it be?" a young middle school kid said to his mother with an impatient tone. The mom scrolled through her phone, updating herself on business matters.

"Not much longer, sweetie. Maybe 20 minutes or so."

"20 minutes is a long time!" the kid snapped. The mother tried her best to keep her composure, as she was annoyed with her bickering son.

"Honey, you'll just have to wait. Not much else I can tell you."

The kid rolled his eyes and folded his arms in frustration. After a few minutes though, the kid drifted off to sleep in his mother's lap. The two remained stationary within the seats of the stuffy and unkempt subway train they rode on. It traveled below the active, big city where individual lives actively went about the daily grind throughout various locations such as office buildings, restaurants, and schools--a typical day for the common city-goer. As the woman began to slightly drift off just like her son, she briefly overheard a couple of chatty bystanders who mentioned interesting topics regarding activity within the city.

"Yo, look at this!" she heard. The train mildly jerked due to its aging state.

"What the heck? Is that a... a giant robot?"

"Yeah! The news just got this footage some minutes ago. It honestly looks really scar--"

At that specific moment, before the bystander could finish his statement, the train suddenly sprang up from the tracks and clashed against the side of the underground tunnel! The passengers screamed out of instinct, with some soaring away from their initial spot due to the impact. The ground beneath violently trembled with tremor-like vibrations and the train then flipped on its side as it skidded along the metal rails at full speed. A screeching noise was heard from the inside of the train that panicked the pedestrians even more than what they already were. The sudden disaster that occurred sent some people attempting to get their bearings while the train was still in motion, by grabbing onto surfaces to latch onto; it sent others profusely crying out in terror and cursing, trying to get their minds to make sense of the situation; it also caused distinct individuals to act concerningly, asking others if they were ok. But clearly, nothing about the predicament was "ok". The train finally came to a halt, terminating the spine-chilling screech of the rubbing metal. Everyone behaved in their own ways in addressing the accident. While the nurturers regained their balance and helped others around them, the quick communicators acted in calling first responders, and the intellects hastily worked together to figure out what possibly could have caused the incident, by analyzing the factors of the collapsed train. As each civilian worked to solve the drastic problem, the mother held onto her crying, distressed kid, huddled over in a section of the train. She rubbed him in comfort, hoping that her child, herself, and everyone around her would come out of this safe. However, the worst possible outcome soon became present for everyone when a blaring sound of combustion was heard from under the train...and from all directions of the vehicle, intense, explosive flames, uncontrollably came crashing inside. The look of imminent peril came upon everyone's face as they looked death right in its scorching eyes. There was no way out for anyone. The woman held onto her kid and shut his eyes. And with one last breath of air, she closed her eyes, accepting her fate. When a sudden gust of forceful breeze clashed against her, and her body involuntarily jerked forward, she knew that everyone's lives were diminished...but after remaining in her position for about 10 seconds...she realized she was still there...and in no pain. That was when she slowly opened her eyes, only to see a sight that sent her into shock. A tenacious looking figure stood crouched down in front of her, facing the other way, with its arms extended outward. The figure looked robotic with mechanical, futuristic parts forming around the entirety of the body. It appeared to wear a firm, innovative helmet and the pattern of the figure was laced with gold and white colors. It turned around to the woman, viewing her with its luminescent, visor-like eyes.

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