Harry Imagine

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I had put this originally on twitter but i wanted to share it with you guys here on Wattpad, hopefully some people might read it. If it seems familiar, you've probably read it on my twitter @theteenageliife like 300 people RTed and favorited it so yeah. Enjoy :) .x

#imagine When you and harry break up.

"fine if thats how you want it." you said silently into the phone.

After arguing back and forth for an hour, you and harry finally decided to cut it off.

"guess this is goodbye" he whispered. You didnt know how to respond so you just hung up. You were officially single.

You waited a few days before heading to harrys flat to pick up your things from when you were together. Also to return a box of some things that belonged to him. His car was there so you knew he was home as you opened the door with your key.

You looked around at the place that had become so familiar in the past year. Placing the box on the counter you walk through the living room and up the stairs. Walking into the bedroom you see harry sitting by the window, looking outside.

"hey." you say shyly.

Harry turns to face you but it didnt look like the harry you knew. It couldnt be. It wasnt the harry you'd stayed up till 3 am laughing with. It wasnt the harry you watched the notebook over and over with and yet you both still cried together. It wasnt the harry you loved. He'd changed.

His eyes werent full of happiness anymore. That smie wasnt there anymore. What happened?

"fancy seeing you here" he mumbled as he looked back outside.

"i um.. Came to.." you said, still shocked.

"pick up your things, i know. Theyre right there" he nodded towards a box on the bedstand. You walked over and picked it up to walk to the door. "please dont leave" he whispered. You turned around to see harry looking at you, tears streaming down his face"

"Harry..." You whisper. "please..sit with me.." Harry begs. You hesitate, but sit next to him on the bed. "Remember our first date" he smiles sadly. You nod your head, memories flooding back.

"You almost got hit by a truck" you half laugh.

"The cat wouldn't come when I called!" Harry said laughing.

"Then after the guy almost hit you he gave you his stuffed animal cat" You laugh, remembering everything like it happened yesterday.

"What happened? To us i mean." Harry asks.

You shake your head.

"relationships dont always work out. Ours didnt and now we're not together anymore" you say. Your heart sinks as you say it out loud, but you knew you had to move on.

"It doesn't have to be. I dont want it to be." Harry says.

You look at him, and he kisses you gently. "I don't want to lose you.." Harry says. Your heart aches for him, to have him hold you again, like old times.

"I've missed you so much.." He says holding your hand.

"I missed you too Harry" you say crushing your lips against his

The sparks fly just like they used to and at that moment you realize how stupid you were to let harry go. You know he feels the same way because the kiss gets passionate. His warm body is pressed against yours now just like you remember it. His hands are on your back and your arms are around his neck. Losing yourself you take off his shirt. He looks into your eyes then takes off yours too. Soon youre both naked and under the covers. Harry kisses you one last time before bringin you closer and laying your head on his shoulder.

"i love you" he says.

"i love you too harry" you whisper back.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2012 ⏰

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