I wake up on a cold stone floor "we're am i" I thought,it seemed like a whole different planet.my name is Rachel,I know how to fight my way outa things.I get up.upside down,right side up,I walk in the forest,walking on the path.I heard a hissing,or a buzzing.a cresendoing buzz,hiss, what ever it was.I didn't care and kept walking.I hear the buzzing noise again and I stop."like it's calling to me" I whispers to myself and I turned towards the noise.
Adrenaline rushed through me as I tripped on a tree root,I get up and dust myself off.when I looked up....there they were,standing distant away.I freeze staring at them.I slowly got up and narrowed my eyes "so..." I began "you chose me..?" I stare at all of them.angels.weeping angels.they don't kill,they send you back in time to make you die out from the future,they want to make you suffer.they are aliens."such beautiful.." I reached out my hand and pretended I was an alien bolstering at them.my eyes burn and water from not enough rest.I let my hand down."You think you can make me suffer?" I looked around at the surrounding angels."the only suffer is ..." I paused "there is no suffer of reliving a life in the past" I took a couple distant steps back from the angels. I blink once,opened my eyes and smiled."go ahead" I whisper "just let me.." I paused again "touch you beautiful creature" I let out my hands and closed my eyes,I felt the cool stone under my fingertips and rub my hands along it,I opened my eyes once more and smile "go ahead" I smirked "what are you waiting for?" I was talking in the angels face and I spoke up " are you afraid of me!" My piercing green eyes dug at the one touching me I step to the side and throw my arms up "COME AND GET IT!"I scream at them.I closed my eyes again and I felt them breathing on me.stone?dryness I felt.my heart was turning cold,and stone.I hissed,or buzzed at them and opened my eyes,every thing was grey,I felt a pinching in my back.wings? I thought.no.I could barely think.thoughts.gone.memories.gone.were...are they...going..stone.I am stone.I am an angel.I am an alien.I will make thow suffuh