Another Life - Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 -

It was late summer; everyone was at the beach, except me. My life was undermining filled with tension, jealousy and god knows what else. Smiling faces scattered all around me; but as I do often wonder, why would they be jealous of me? When I'm jealous of them? No one realises how lucky they are; if only they knew what life was like for me.

I was at home looking out my bedroom window , relaxing and imagining my life from a different perspective; peering outside my bedroom window to our open view of the beach and the seas waves rising up to about 4 metres. The sea was turquoise almost see-through; there were about a dozen or so surfers gliding across the waves with no restraint or difficulty, so delicate and gentle almost like they were floating in mid-air with such ease.

 I Closed my eyes for 2 seconds imaging myself out there in those spectacular waves like an angel gliding across the water, the sun beating down on me taking in the suns warmth and luxurious feel... then  all of a sudden my unbelievably annoying sister came charging in yelling at the top of her lungs, ''April!!!!!!! You have to help me make lunch!'' Oh great!  

'' Why don't you ask Joe to help you?'' Joe is my eldest brother, he is pretty much the nerd in our family, knows absolutely everything; a complete brainiac. He has brown chestnut eyes, dark brown hair with a slim complexion.  I'm pretty close to Joe as he doesn't get in my way unlike my other 2 siblings Charlie and Zoe.

'' Well mum says that if Joe's busy with his music then you have to do it.''

''Oh alright... give me 2 secs.'' Then she quickly ran off down stairs; gone in a flash. That was my youngest sister Zoe, she's 12. She can be quite annoying at times though she usually goes off and does her own thing. She looks very similar to Joe but a lot shorter and skinnier.

I took one last look out of my window and then left to go to the kitchen. Our house is pretty big with 3 storey's and architectural designs everywhere you look, a tennis court, a mini hockey pitch and 2 swimming pools (indoors and out).

I don't really agree with spending money to impress people with your 'big house' or 'expensive car', as I think that you can't judge a book by its cover as many people do. Another expense that adds to our family's wealth is house maids, personal chefs, gardeners and tutors. Most people expect me to be the biggest bitch in town that is spoilt rotten. But I don't want to be that girl, no matter what.

As I walked down the hallway; I heard Joe practising his new song. He's always writing and creating music, he just never stops. Recently he got accepted for a music scholarship at Charleston Academy of Music. He is due to leave at the end of this week (the day before we go back to school). I'm going to miss Joe, Joe that helps me with my homework, Joe that keeps the house alive with his music and the Joe I can always rely on.

I quickly popped my head through the door. He looked up at me with a big grin on his face full of happiness, ''hey April!''

''Hey Joe, how's your music going?'' I sat directly opposite taking in the music he was playing. He was wearing an orange top with denim shorts, with his hair gelled pointing in different directions.

 '' It's going great April, I have nearly finished this song, want me to play it to you?''

He's always in a bright mood, whenever he plays his music it brings him alive.

 ''ummm yeh sure maybe later though because I have to go and help Zoe make lunch....''

 ''oh lucky you!'' he chuckled '' maybe come by later then?''

 ''ok Joe, cya!''

  I started making my way out into the hallway when Joe called out,

''hey April!'' I spun back around facing Joe, ''yes?''

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