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[note: taehyung was 6 and jungkook was 11 at this part.]

"I want that," Taehyung said, pointing at the teddy bear the maid's daughter was holding. The six year old girl's eyes widened and quickly hid her favorite bear.

"M-Master Taehyung.... Someone already owns it...." said his own butler.

The six-year old boy glared at the old man. "Did I tell you to speak? I said I want that, old man! And all you need to do is to get that teddy bear!"

"Yes, Master!" The old man went to the little girl with an apologetic look on his face.

The girl's eyes got tear as the butler knelt down in front of her. Taehyung stood behind the old man, smirking while watching, his arms crossed.

"Darling.... Can I have your teddy bear? Don't worry.... I'll change it," said the butler. He said the last sentence lowly, afraid that the little boy behind might hear him.

She hesitated at first, but she gave him her teddy bear not because she liked his offer, but because she was afraid of Taehyung. The little boy gestured something, like cutting her neck.

After giving the poor teddy bear, she ran away, crying to her mother who was at the kitchen. The old man sighed and went to face Taehyung.

"Here, Master." He handed him the teddy bear but Taehyung just looked at it with disgust in his eyes.

Taehyung smirked. "Do you expect me to touch that disgusting toy?"

His butler's eyes widened. "But Master.... You asked me to get it.... Don't you like to play it?"

"Gross! That's disgusting, old man! I asked you to get it so you could put it in the trash! That filthy stuffed toy doesn't deserve to be in my mansion!" exclaimed Taehyung.

The butler couldn't believe him. He was just a kid yet he was already evil.

"Go put that in the trash, where it deserves to be. I'll go back to my room." Taehyung smirked again and turned his back to go upstairs, to his room.

Once he entered his room, he let out an evil laugh. Feeling happy that he scared the girl and made her sad.

He sat down on his bed and pulled the huge stuffed toy to his lap.
"Expensive toys like you deserves to be here," he mumbled. "That filthy thing doesn't."

Kim Taehyung was the only son of one of the riches family in South Korea. The owned luxurious hotels, resorts and even a casino.

And being the only son, his parents gave him everything he wanted. The reason how he ended up being bad and spoiled even at such a young age.

He was playing his toys all alone when someone knocked on the door. His mother entered the room, a sweet smile on her face.

"Mommy!" he exclaimed, running towards her before giving her a tight hug. She giggled and hugged her adorable son back. "I missed you, Mommy! Where's Daddy?"

"I missed you too, baby. Your father is downstairs," she said. "Let's go down. We have someone to introduce to you."

Taehyung frowned at that. Is this another friend of them? A business partner? Nevertheless, he followed her. They went downstairs and he quickly saw his father talking to a younger boy.

"Honey, Taehyung is here," said his mother.

"Taetae!" His father hugged him. "I missed you, son!"

"Me too, Daddy...." His eyes never left the boy. "Who is he?"

"Oh." His father put his arm on the boy's shoulder. "This is Jeon Jungkook, a son of one of my trusted employees. Sadly, his father died and he's got no one to take care of him. So I took him. From now on, he'll be living with us."

"What?" Taehyung asked, breathing heavily. "What?! No! I don't want him here!"

The smile on his parents face vanished. Mrs. Kim kneeled and faced his son, who was getting red due to anger.

"Baby... Jungkook is a nice kid... He can be your hyung! Your brother!"

Taehyung shook his head harshly. "No! He's disgusting! I don't want him here!"

"Taehyung!" shouted his father, angry.

"I hate you all! " With that, Taehyung ran upstairs, locking himself in the room.

"Taehyung!" his mom shouted.

Mr. Kim sighed and faced Jungkook. "I'm sorry for what my son did. He's just... like that... But he'll like you! I'm sure of that! "

Jeon Jungkook smiled. "It's okay, Sir."

Days passed by, Taehyung hated that older kid even more. Why? Because he was stealing his parents attention! They always talked about Jungkook, how good Jungkook was, how smart he was!

One day, Taehyung was playing with his toys beside the swimming pool. Alone, of course. His butler was in the kitchen, doing something Taehyung asked him to do.

"Brooooom!" Taehyung acted while controlling his toy car.


He looked behind when someone spoke and he quickly saw Jungkook. He was smiling at him, showing his cute bunny like teeth.

Furious, he stood up and quickly noticed their height differences. "What are you doing here?!"

"Don't shout, Taehyung. I'm older than you," said Jungkook calmly.

"I don't care! Get away from me!"

"Why are you so mad at me? I didn't do something bad to you."

"Nothing! I just hate your existence! I hate filthy and disgusting kids like you!"

Jungkook clenched his fist, wanted to hurt Taehyung but he knew what's good. Taehyung was just a kid. A spoiled and mean one.

"Don't be like that, Taehyung."

"Whatever! " Taehyung turned his heel to walk out. But his shoelace weren't tied so he tripped on it, falling on the cold deep water of the swimming pool.


Taehyung panicked. He screamed for help but water just came in. He doesn't know how to swim!

He saw someone jump from the pool then arms wrapped around him. A few moments later, he was already on the surface.

Jungkook was hugging him! Jungkook saved him!

The older boy swam on the edge and helped Taehyung to get up. When he did, he followed. Taehyung was coughing the water out. Jungkook caressed his back.

"Taehyung? Are you okay?" Jungkook asked when Taehyung stopped coughing.

"Y-Yeah..." Taehyung looked at Jungkook, both of them catching their breaths. "T-Thank you... J-Jungkook... "

Jungkook smiled. "You're welcome, Taehyung. Just be careful next time."

"Master! What happened?!" His butler came in, quickly helping Taehyung to stand up. "Are you okay?!"

"Y-Yeah... J-Jungkook saved me..." said Taehyung, looking at Jungkook who smiled at him again.

This time, Taehyung felt his face heat up. He was blushing.


Spoiled Brat
A Taekook Fanfiction
Copyright © 2018 by Baektanned
All Rights Reserved

Disclaimer: This content/fiction does not reflect upon the author's and the idol's personality and disbeliefs. The piece is only for the sake of the satisfaction of the fans/readers of the person involved. The contents are entirely FICTIONAL and there are no reality basis for this. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the author's (baektanned) permission. Plagiarism is a crime.

Author's Note: I still feel sad that this was removed by wattpad. The reads.... The comments... All gone. But what else can I do now? It already happened. Let me just take this opportunity to edit this book and make it even more worth reading. I love you, guys!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2020 ⏰

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