Sky Rider - Golden Amulet

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Katherine's fiery red hair blew in the rapid winds as rode on top of her fierce dragon, Helios. Her crystal blue eyes scanned the shrunk land below. "Ah ha!" she said with excitement and gleam. In a swift and graceful movement, Katherine landed Helios in the green and rose her golden amulet. Once the amulet glimmered into sunlight, the earth was soon arranged into a complex pattern. Moss covered stone hedges rose, and Katherine found the secret compartment and opened the latch. She shoved her hand in it and found the sacred map from her wise ancestors was walked on the same land she and Helios stood on. Katherine cradled the map , then called Helios to get ready for flight. Katherine then shoved the map into leather hip bag and jumped on Helios and flew into the sky.

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