Sunlight & Silver

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   The chains dug into his wrists and he let out another scream of agony. He'd thought he'd be safe, chaining himself down, but the links groaned and creaked as he tried to pull himself out. He let loose a howl of fury and pain, and tasted metallic blood fill his mouth and flood his eyes. A sob escaped from his throat. He was going to be free again... He was going to pull the whole wall down if he had to. But no...he didn't want that. He couldn't become that thing again... He screeched, horror twisting the strangled noise out of his mouth and into the night's silence. He was blinded by the rage tearing at his insides, burning a fire of determination through his weariness. He felt his skin stretch and his nails grow longer and sharper. His teeth started to draw blood from his gums and he snarled. He wrenched an arm free from the chains and fell to the floor, taking a few moments to catch his laboured breath. He whimpered when he felt the blood trickle down his jaw but shook his head and drew a deep breath, his throat dry and scratchy. He was no longer confined; now he was free to roam the streets outside. His ears picked up the slightest sounds. A mother trying to soothe her child; two men yelling at each other several blocks down; a bird making it's way carefully down a sloping roof. He growled, blood gurgling in his mouth. Built up energy burning thorugh his limbs, he started to crawl over to the window and look up towards the sky. Few stars speckled the inky darkness of the night, and a great light shone across the the wide expanse, not even blemished by a single cloud.

The full moon was up once again.

His mind was clouded by a thick fog of confusion. Thoughts became clear and then sunk back into the murky darkness that covered his consciousness. He couldn't even remember his own name...what was Was his name Sam? He tried to grasp a hold of the name but it slipped away. He growled in frustration and sniffed the air, drawing the scents of life into his nostrils. He was so hungry; he had not been able to escape last time. But now he was used to it, now he could tackle whatever restraints they put upon him. He was stronger than them, faster than them. He could feel the new born power searing through his body. The cold air cut across his skin but he was oblivious to it. Heat raced through him. Sam's claws itched for violence, he wanted to tear someone open, to hear their agonised and pleading screams. He flicked his ears. There was a voice, muttering. He smelt the air, letting the scents roll along his tongue when he opened his mouth slightly. A boy, maybe a teenager, walking alone. He must have been very cold, because there was little warmth in his scent. The perfect opportunity had presented itself. Sam's own heart started to race, pounding in his ears. No other sounds could be heard above it. He teared off across the streets, paws barely touching the ground as he pelted towards the lone boy. saliva ran out of his mouth and pooled on his lips. His stomach tightened in anticipation.

Sam didn't realise what was happening when he lunged at the boy. His claws had made contact with the target, but suddenly he was flat on his back, howling as a sharp pain seared across his cheek. He pushed away the confusion and caught his breath back. He impact had winded him slightly. He rolled over awkwardly, shaking off the dirt clinging to his fur. Blood matted his cheek. He snarled and eyed the boy before him, who was dusting off his jacket.

   "Bloody werewolves. Should've known those dogs would be around here." The boy chided, not even dignifying Sam with a glance. He examined his slender hand and narrowed his eyes at his nails, "Oh. I have wolf skin under my nails!" He said, disgust edging his tone. Sam felt the blood roar in his ears as he vaguely recognised his words as an insult. He snarled again, bunching up his haunches and preparing to strike again.The boy looked over at him and rolled his scarlet eyes, "I do not have time for this..." He said through gritted teeth, rolling up the sleeves of his black jacket with quick flicks of his wrists.

   Sam launched himself forward and tried to slice the boy's neck with his claws. But a quick strike to his stomach sent him sprawling, and the last thing he saw before his eyes clouded over was the boy's grinning face as he drew back a fist.

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