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Strange word, right?
Kuudere is the Japanese term for people with an expressionless or expressionless attitude
I order this
And well, this was never my fault, my parents always isolated me from the world, I always took classes at home

And when I turned 10, and I started to grow, they tried to socialize me by sending me to school
But it was too late, the syndrome was already there, it had grown and flourished within me

Making the ability to speak almost impossible
I can speak, I know many things about language, I am more advanced than a child my age, so when I started going to school,
They did not send me to the grade according to my age they sent me two years up, that was a long time ago, this is my last year of high school, soon I will enter high school

I hope I'm not the weirdo in my classroom, and even if I can't speak, and almost never show feelings I always wanted to fall in love, although under my circumstances, I look a little difficult

So I want you to join me on my last day of school, I'm sure I'll spend it with you

Suoh is my only "friend", let's say friend since I don't know what a friend is, I have known him since before he stopped talking, so he is one of the few people who knows my voice, and he always tried to be dry  mine, try to get me to talk
But, I never make it, he and I have a blackboard with which we communicate, and ...
Even if it's silly ...
It is my only way to communicate
How strange, right?
And yes, they are all two years older than me, as I said I am more advanced than any boy or girl in my classroom


I narrate

We watched a boy of about 13 getting up due to the rays of the sun landing on his eyes, that would be a different day was his last day in high school, it was not as if he would be excited, the only fact that he would go to a boarding school scared him  luckily suoh would be there, but it doesn't change the fact that he will be surrounded by strangers

He prepared as usual, and went to school, when he was there, the first thing he did was change his shoes, it was what he had done for the last three years

And in the distance an albino was looking for the ojiturquesa, because they had already been late for the graduation ceremony

"Where could it be?"  That thought resonated in his mind, until he saw it, at a slow pace, then he made himself run, to somehow "scold" him for being late, but he no longer gave him the time to do that, so he just grabbed it  wrist and dragged him into the auditorium

Maybe at least 2 hours passed

Everything ended, and the little Ojiturquesa was calmer knowing that he could go home

He was going to leave when he was stopped by the albino

Suoh: - where do you think you are going? -

Aiga neither fast nor slow, I take his cell phone to put on the screen the following phrase "to my house, where else?"

Suoh: - I'm sorry little lamb but I need at least ... Mmm- he stopped to think for a moment- a thousand photos of you, to be able to remember this day, and you, you're going to have to fulfill my whim-

And so I spend the afternoon with suoh taking photos of aiga, until it was time for the photo in class, and as usual, suoh stepped back from aiga, to put his plan to make him smile.

So when they were about to take the photo, suoh put one of his hands on aiga's right cheek and then pulled it and imitated a smile.

A plan that came out perfectly in my opinion

All day they were photos and laughter, well laughter only from suoh



They both had a history, but not as lovers, much less as boyfriends

Suoh more than any if, he had fallen in love with aiga, but ...

Because of the state of aiga, he had preferred to shut him up for him, and leave him like that

He did not want to leave his friendship, on the contrary, even if he still got a boyfriend, he would always be there for him, why he always kept his feelings quiet and this would not hurt him, on the contrary, he would be happy that the boy he considered his younger brother,  and as long as he was happy, he would be too

And so it happened, it was not long before they both went to boarding school, and well, who knows what kind of adventures and new experiences would await them

Especially aiga, being a kuudere

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