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The rain poured down the pavement as a figure gracefully walked through the storm. He looked at the house of Godric's Hallow and blasted the door of its hinges startling the occupants inside. Inside was a young blond girl who was reading in the middle of the living room. 

The Dark Lord snarled and shot of a bright green curse to her direction. The body hit the floor with a thud and the evil mage made his way upstairs. Waving his arm the door of the nursery fill onto the floor, he looked at the two cribs. One child with raven black hair and pale skin. He had an almost androgynous look to the babe. His eyes shine brighter than any emerald the Dark Lord has encountered. He looked over at the second bed. 

The child had bland red hair, that unlike his mother wasn't vibrant and reminded the evil mage of flaked of red wine paint that has been warned down during the years. He had mud brown eyes and had a slightly darker hair then its twin. It was pudgy and looked rather boring. The magical core it had was rather low compared to the twin who had an average wizarding core for a full male wizard. The Dark Lord made his deduction and looked at the Raven haired child saying an "Avada Kedavra".

An invisible shield sprouted around the babe and the spell rebounded destroying both soul and body of the Dark lord.  The child gained a lightning bolt scar on it's forehead. A chip of wood from the ceiling fell cutting the second babe on it's cheek. The cut was shaped like a V.

The Potters burst through their house and ran up to the nursery. James being faster got up there first and immediately noticed Adrians cut on his cheek. Ignoring Harry he burst out a proud smile as he looked at his son. Lily the second to come in walked up to Harry and brushed up the fringe noticing Harry's scar. 

"James-" "Lily! Look at Adrien, he has the mark." James said proudly. Lily frowned and looked at the already healed scar on Adriens Cheek. 

"Yes but-" "Dumbledore! Look at Adrien!" She turned around and looked at the old yet colorful wizard. Dumbledore looked at Adrien and declared him the BWL. Dumbledore nodded to James before walking up to Lily and Harry, noticing the pink scar, he looked at Lily before whispering to her ear.

"Lily, I wan't you to protect Harry from no on."He said, Lily nodded and looked at her precious boy.


That's it for now. Tell me if you like it!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2020 ⏰

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