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To say that Ameer hadn't expected the tall lavender haired teen when he swung open Natsu's front door was the least he could say. He tries to turn around and leave but from somewhere in the house Natsu's voice calls out to him knowingly "Get ya ass in the damn house Amei. You said you wanted to get out pops house and now you here, and so is Insoo and Tyler" stomping his feet childishly kicking off his shoes not caring where they landed he ignores Insoo when he offers to take his coat.

Dejected Insoo bends down picking up Ameer's shoes placing them neatly next to his own smiling at the way even their shoes contrasted heavily with each other. Ameer's red and black J's clash with Insoo's snake skin ankle boots that made him even taller than he already was, Insoo kinda likes the way they clash. He wouldn't want it any other way. When he gets back into the main rooms he internally awe's at how Tyler's nestled in between Natsu's thighs laptop in his lap as he flips through his portfolio of a recent photo shoot he did for Natsu. Natsu's yelling at the tv screen watching some Thai show fingers gently massaging Tyler's scalp as he twists his soft dirty blonde hair "Why you acting like you ain't wanna see me Amei? Yo ass called me drunk last night going through your gay crisis talkin' bout-" Natsu says but catches a couch pillow to the face as Ameer shakes his head fiercely remembering all that he said.

His mocha hued cheeks darken at the memories, he had outright told Natsu he wanted Insoo and the thought of how true his statements were unnerved him. He wasn't gay, he still loved girls, and aside from the occasional fleeting thoughts of Jaehyo and even darker warped thoughts that came before he had even understood their relations of Natsu he'd never thought he could admire another boy. Sensing the tension in the room Insoo claps loudly clearing his throat "Lets watch Incredibles 2, that man JuJu from down the street offered me a real good deal for a bootleg. I got that and love, Simon" he says grinning at Natsu as Tyler crawls up to the tv to change it to the DVD player. Tyler chooses Love, Simon instead of the Incredibles 2 and as the movie starts and goes on more and more Ameer thinks he understands what Simon is feeling. What he's feeling is normal, he shouldn't have to come out/admit to anything because this right here, this feeling he has for Insoo is pure and doesn't deserve to be treated as some coming out secret. Sliding next to Insoo on the couch he takes the older's arm putting it around his shoulders grinning to himself when he feels him take in a sharp breath of air and his heart rate speeds up nervous just by the slight touch of their skin.

"I like you gon' be my mans or nah" Ameer says in true hood nigga fashion and Natsu makes the ugliest sound known to man leaning down into Tyler feeling second hand embarrassment. Time stands still for a moment but Ameer's not worried because Insoo's arm curls around him and his other one wraps around him as well pulling him in close "I swear I thought you'd never come around" the Korean teen mumbles relief in his voice "Thought it's always be this unrequited feeling. You got me, I'm your mans '" he adds stressing the word 'mans' copying Ameer's accent laughing at the way Ameer covers his face embarrassed. "Be prepared Insoo's definitely the embarrassing boyfriend type. He already planning y'all first matching outfits" Natsu mumbles when Tyler slides from in between his legs and takes the spot next to him laying his head in Natsu's lap. Ameer was actually kinda counting on that, he wants to see all the eccentric colors and details Insoo could possibly come up with.

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