Good times and summertime!

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It was the beginning of June and this was the first year I was allowed to help at my parents crab shack well its not actually called that but that's pretty much what it is anyways I was always jealous cause all of my friends who already had summer jobs and my sister started working at our parents place two years ago and I was always super jealous, now I am super excited to be able to work there and meet new people and learn how to cook and waitress and all the other experiences you get from a new job. And now that I am finally able to start working and stuff and my sister Kiara finally started letting me hang out and go on adventures with her group of friends called The Pogues yes like the throw away fish anyways since I have been hanging out with her friends I haven't wanted to hang out with anyone else and I can tell you right now our parents are less than thrilled with that, they never liked that Kiara started hanging out with them since she was 13 and they always thought I was going to be the one that hung out with kids more our speed or aka the kooks aka the rich kids from the nicer side of the island even though we don't live on the nicer side of the island my mom was from the rich side of the island but gave it up for our dad but still has rich people friends and had gotten me and Kiara into the nicer schools but she asked transfer after freshman year and my parents weren't happy about that but did what she asked got her transferred to the school on our side of the island and then I did the same right after freshman year even though I had made more friends then Kiara and kind of liked it there. 

But all I wanted to do is to be just like my big sister and do everything she did, but I really did enjoy hanging out with her and her friends I particularly like hanging out with JJ honestly don't even ask why because I couldn't tell you but there is just something about him and his craziness that attracts me to him and I hope that I get to spend the whole summer getting to know all of them more and more like my sister knows them. It was June 3rd and all over the TV's  all the news channels were talking about the biggest storm of the year and it will be happening tonight so everyone on both sides of the island are getting prepared for hurricane Agatha and what she's about bring and destroy, so me and Kiara were helping our parents close up the restaurant for the day and get all the doors and windows secure and covering up the glass windows with boards so they hopefully don't shatter and we will have minimal to clean up tomorrow so as we are cleaning up Kiara says that her and all the guys are going to go boating and drinks some beers and be stupid if I wanted to join and I said hell yeah I want to join thanks for the invite, so the second we are done we go home and changed into our bathing suits and some jeans and a tank top and slip on shoes and then Kiara grabs some of our dads beer and puts it in her backpack and she tells me to grab some snacks and then we will run down to the docks and meet up with the boys but we got to be quick before our parents find out that we didn't stay home.

 So we grab our crap and run down to the docks where the boys aka John B, JJ and Pope are waiting for us and so we say Hi and then we get on board and we told the boys that we need to get away from the docks before our parents noticed that we took off again like we always do after work or after school, so JJ tells Pope thats he going to drive the boat this time and right when he said that he gave me a little smirk and I thought that was a little weird but I just gave him little smile back and then turned back to look at Kiara who was giving me a ooh get it girl smile and I didn't know why she did that but I just blew it off and tried to get into the conversation John B and Pope were having hoping that Kiara wouldn't bring anything else up about JJ, then all of a sudden JJ asked Pope to take the wheel because he wanted to show all of us his party trick and he asked me to hand him beer so I did and John B was oh no I know where this is going and then he goes to the end of the boat and started tipping the beer into the his mouth but most of it was getting on us and in me and Kiara's hair and we were all begging him to stop then all of a sudden the last thing I saw was JJ getting flung off the boat and I flew into the front of the boat and hit Kiara and we all ended on the floor of the boat. 

After a few minutes of figuring out what the hell just happened we all get up and then I remember seeing JJ flying the air and not seeing him the best so I run to the front of the boat and yell JJ's name hoping and praying he didn't drown or got run over some how but then we see him and we ask if he's okay and he said yeah but I think my heels just touched the back of my head and then he swam the boat and I helped him up and we all looked at Pope and said what the hell Pope and he said it looks like we hit a sand bar and JJ who's standing next to me says yeah no shit Pope and we all laugh, so as we are all standing there all of a sudden John B yells that he thinks he sees a boat and we were like no way theres no way but then Kiara went to take a good look and she says no guys he's right there is a boat down there and then JJ said well lets go check it out and so me and JJ jumps in and then John B and then Pope and me and Kiara are taking our clothes off to get into our bathing suits and the boys are come on girls any day now and then Kiara jumps in first and then me then we all swim down to the boat and check it out. Then we all go back to our boat and again I am the last one to get into the boat since I am the shortest one so its a little harder to get in the boat and then JJ gives me a hand to help me get in the boat. So as we are all discussing about the boat that we found and then I finally spoke up about what I think we should do and I said we need to report it seriously we can't do anything else before we report it and then they finally agree with me so we start heading to the dock..........

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2021 ⏰

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