so here we are

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"Ok, why are you here? Last time I saw you, you were leaving me at the train station when I was 18, I am now 24," Raven said as she looked her mum up and down.

"I know, but I need some help with money, your farther told me he got some so don't play favorites and not give me any," her mum said like Raven had to give her the money and she deserved it more than anything else in the world.

"No not again you always do this, you come asking me for money I give it to you and you leave and blow the money and come clawing back for more, so not this time, you need to get a job, and get your own money," Raven sighed "Please,"

"No, I gave birth to you and this is how you thank me, that is so rude, I will be back and you will have the money for me," she turned around with a hair flip and left out raged.

"Well that went as well as it could have, I guess I could have given her the money," Raven sighed, 'oh well' she thought.


Raven got home to see it trashed, all her clothes everywhere and her desk overturned with all her stuff on the floor. she look around her house more in a fuming state, her kitchen was a mess with the fridge open and raided, the cupboards were opened harshly and without care, most of her things were broken or stolen and she had a good idea of where her belongings went.

Her mother was a bitch.

Raven got out her phone and called the police, this was the last straw, she was going to pay for this it has happened to many times.


When the police arrived she told them about what had happened before and who she thought it was and then she answered the rest of the questions they had for her. They said that they would look into it and that it might just have been a random robbery.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2020 ⏰

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