Chapter One

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Decided to start a new story I've been forming in my head and writing ideas down for. So hopefully you like it. Enough with my rambling, ENJOY! Vote&Comment.


Chapter One

Harry's POV

I walked in and sat down at my table. A couple minutes later the bell rang and our disgusting teacher, Ms. Flack, walked in and after her, a perverted boy in my year. Obvious much? I mentally said. I'm pretty sure I was one of the only boys Ms. Flack hadn't slept with. 'Afternoon, class.' Ms. Flack said as she stood up front, adjusting her too short skirt. How does she get away with this crap? I thought as I stared at her with disgust. A couple way too enthusiastic 'Hello Ms. Flack!' 's rang out from the back, putting emphasis on the hello.

I decided to just concentrate and get this class over with. 'OK, so class, we are going to do an experiment today. All the supplies are set out on your tables already.' she continued as she passed out instruction papers. 'I will be partnering you up.' She announced once she was done. A bunch of groans and complaints followed.

Ms. Flack picked up a list and began calling off names by two's. 'Madi and Emma, Dylan and Gerti, Hannah and Jared, Colin and Max, Louise and Rachel, Whitney and Jillian, Arthur and Chase, Jeremy and Phil.....'

I spaced out after that until my name got called 'Harry and Willo. OK guys, get with your partners, directions should be at tables.' Really? I don't have anything against her, but this Willo is a freak. Has been since she came to this school in year 3. All my friends make fun of her.

'Earth to nerd!' I heard an Irish accent say. I snapped out of my trance to see Willo standing right in front of me. 'Oh, uh, sorry... OK right. Let's just get this experiment over with. I know you don't want to do it just as much as I don't.' I said getting down to business.

She responded with an eye roll and sat down at one if the stools in front of the lab tables. 'OK. We have to mix a few of these chemical compounds. It says to start with this.' She said reading from the paper. She handed me a test tube filled with funky smelling liquid.


We were first to finish the experiment. I didn't realize Willo was this smart, no offense to her. Being the two smartest, we easily got it done in a matter of minutes. An awkward silence soon followed.

'So... Willo is it? I don't think I've ever actually talked to you before.' I said trying to break the weird quiet. 'Nope.' She responded simply. OK, let's try a different approach.

'Wanna play 20 Questions to pass time? We still have around an hour before class is over.' I said. 'Sure.' She said after thinking about it for a second first. 'I'll ask you first. Hmm, what is your full name?' I asked.

'Willo Genevieve Simons. Um... What is your favorite hobbie?' She answered and asked half-heartedly, like she really didn't want to play the game. 'Singing, I guess. Do you play any instruments?' I asked, my face turning slightly red. 'Yeah, guitar. How 'bout we play Truth or Dare?' She asked, seeming a lot more interested in that idea.

'Yeah, sure?' It came out more as a question.


The last part of class went by quickly, Willo and I getting to know each other more. I had to admit she was pretty. She had long black hair, obviously dyed, bright blue eyes, porcelain skin, and she was a least 3 inches shorter than me. A silver piercing was dotted on her small nose, making her look very punk. As we walked out of class, I thanked Ms. Flack in my head. Willo walked out ahead of me and I tried to look at her, but I got tackled by a group of my friends. By the time I could look, she was gone.

The whole rest of the day, she was all I thought about. I may have... a little crush on her. Little! But if I even tried talking to her outside of school related subjects, my friends would shun me. I would be that weird kid that liked that freak.

Was Willo worth risking that for? Should I risk my whole reputation over a single small crush?


OK, so I think this chapter was alright. I know it's bad to start off with, but I had to get this part out of the way for the next part. I think it's a medium sized chapter, but I couldn't say. I update from my iPod, so it's hard to tell.

I won't update ALL of next week until at least Sunday. I am going on a trip. :)

Enough rambling! VOTE&COMMENT !!

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