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My mirror image looks so different from the usual. My hair is made up in a hairdo that is more elaborate than I have probably seen for a while – Rika and Maya insisted on making the make-up and hairstyle extravagant.

To be honest, having been younger, I bet it would have felt a bit different from today's standards. Though, today is a bit of an exception.

Nope. That's an understatement, today will be one of the most terrifying days of my life... What if I just got out of here with Nol, and we would just sit in the Wac's a few blocks from here? That would have been awesome.

But probably, the white, beautiful dress I'm wearing would get too dirty for it to be ruined by the street's mud. Its lace for the long sleeve and the v-neck cut really makes my rather slender figure look less like a stick. Taking in a deep breath, I realize that maybe, this wedding won't be a disaster – after all, my friends, the Parks, Nana, dad and Rika have all helped me through this, and I bet Dieter and Soushi were Nol's anchors, too.

I bet he's just as nervous as I am.

"Shin-Ae, your necklace is put in the wrong way, do you want me to turn it around?" Ah, that was what made me look in the mirror in the first place. Keep your head together, Shin-Ae!

It's not like he's any less nervous than I am. Well, maybe I did most of the organizing of the wedding, but honestly, he probably is just as nervous as I am about becoming my husband.

Yeah, that must be it. I am about to become his wife, huh? That means Mrs Lochlainn. Yeah... Thinking about it now, his proposal feels like yesterday. When Nol proposed to me, it was oddly romantic, and he looked like he wanted to escape all throughout the date. Kinda rigid, but at least I found out why after we decided to go to a chicken joint instead.

Oh man...

Anyway, I'm going to marry in 30 minutes, and my heart feels like running.

"Shin-Ae! Do you want to talk to your dad? Or Min-Hyuk? You look dead," Maya deadpans with a single glance into my direction, shortly checking her make-up before looking back to me. Rika, through the while, just peeks through the door, then turns back to the two of us. "Well, your dad is definitely at the door, Min-Hyuk looks like he's talking to Dieter and Soushi about something," she announces at our direction, having Maya exclaim: "I bet it's a good idea right now! We will check if everything in the wedding goes according to plan, okay?"

This is going too fast. Feeling my hands shiver about the whole thing and the fact that the wedding event has started, I feel like my mind is blanking. For some reason, I'm a bit scared of messing up, becoming tongue-tied when the vows start. Not keeping up the vows. Being a bad wife. Everything about this is kind of strange. But thinking that Nol is my husband from today on makes it reasonable again.

"Alright. Thank you guys, I owe you one, for real," I sigh in distress and smile at my two bridesmaids. Although we were off to a rocky start, we really have grown close over time. "Just repay us when Dieter finally marries his fiancée," Maya nonchalantly replies, while both women in their yellow dresses head to the exit

But even that doesn't compare to the way Nol and I have evolved into two dorks. Even during the times when I was crazily stressed out, he somehow manages to put up with my attitude. How does he even do that?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2020 ⏰

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