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Zayn Malik ends up sleeping in until 2 in the afternoon. Usually it's earlier (around 12) but from the plastic shot cups, party poppers, streamers, and even a guy sleeping in the bathtub, the New Years party he threw with his best friend and flat mate, Louis, this was a massive success. He immediately pops a few pills in his mouth to numb the large headache pounding in his skull. He throws on a pair of shades before managing to walk down the stairs and into the kitchen where Louis Tomlinson lay on the center countertop. Zayn chuckles and grabs a empty red solo cup and fills it to the top with cold water from the tap. He bites his lip to stop from laughing as he begins to pour it on Louis.

"What the fuck man!" He shouts, wiping away the water from his face and eyes. Zayn informs him that it's 2 in the afternoon and he's spotted 5 people still in the house. He throws Louis the bottle of pills and grabs a black trash bag from under the sink.

"We should get cleaning," He says while throwing two empty liquor bottles inside the bag. Louis groans and lays back down on the countertop. "I'm good mate."

"But Louissss, I got you a New Years present. Once the house is all clean I can give it to you," Zayn smirks at the tease. Louis sits up and his eyes soften. A present? He rolls off the countertop and grabs a trash bag and the air horn under the sink. They have many things under the sink. The air horn, more booze, a bottle of bleach, extra condoms, dish detergent, and a stash of weed.

So while Zayn began to vacuum, wipe, and fill two trash bags, he hears the air horn every 5 minutes following loud groans and moans from the people who managed to black out the night before. They all left, including the guy sleeping in the bathtub, but not without thanking Louis and Zayn for having yet another kick ass party.

5 hours later the house was nearly clean. All the cheesy decor they bought at the party store was trashed, along with the cups and the evidence from all their guests (including themselves) being on drugs the whole night disappeared. All that was left was a giant stain of what looked like wine on the white carpet. Zayn scrubbed for what felt like hours but it only made it worse.

So he decided to rearrange the living room. He moved the couch directly over the stain and moved the chair and coffee table. To say his unique (and somewhat feminine) talent for interior design took over would be a understatement. Zayn was a very manly guy. Covered in tattoos, loved ripped jeans, he even rocked a leather jacket. But he was gay. Like, really gay.

"Zayn! The upstairs is pretty much done! Can I get my present now!" Louis shouts. Zayn calls Louis down and grabs the present he hid behind the dying plant next to the tv. Louis flaunts downstairs and looks confused at the layout of the living room. "Uhmm, wasn't the couch over there?" Zayn shrugs it off and pats the cushion for him to sit down. Louis claps his hands and jumps up and down like a little girl on her 5th birthday.

Zayn hands the small bag stuffed with tissue paper over to Louis who immediately rips them out. They slowly float to the ground and Zayn watches Louis' excitement deflate in a millisecond. At first he's happy, then sad when he picks up a little card, then confused. He opens up the card and Zayn bites his lip. He can't wait for his reaction.

Louis finishes reading the card and slowly closes it. He closes his eyes for a moment. "You got me a fucking gym membership?!!"

"I got us a gym membership!" Zayn shouts excited. He had to visit the gym not 10 minutes from their house because when he went to the bar he hit it off great with this guy named Niall. He told him he was a trainer at a gym and since there was only one gym in town he decided to see if he working. When Zayn swung open the door a heavenly glow seemed to surround everything. It was like he was in heaven. A little man softly playing the harp was playing in his head as he was practically in a trance the whole time.

Zayn completely forgot about Niall. But being there for 10 minutes, staring at guys running and doing push-ups and weights was enough persuasion to buy him and Louis a gym membership for six months.

"Are you kidding me right now? Like you actually thought I'd want this?" Louis asks. Zayn shakes his head. He doesn't understand. He hasn't been. "Just wait Lou, you'll love it."

i present to you this lovely idea i came up with while sitting in hell aka school after my exam. lets hope this doesn't turn to shit lmao

but larry and ziam though ????? what could be better ? (poor niall tho i felt so bad while writing this hahah)

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