Game Night

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Jimin doesn't get it, he really doesn't. What's so fun with Sudden Attack? Why is his best friend so hooked with that online game? The graphics look too dark for his taste and boring. It's not cute.

"But imagine playing it as a team, Jiminie that'd be fun." Taehyung whined for the 10th time tonight and Jimin's ears are starting to ring. He had a long day at school because college is a bitch so he just really wants some instant ramen and good cuddles from his best friend aka the hidden love of his life who won't let him live, pushing his agenda.

"You promised me you'll try it tonight."

"I know but-"

"It's fine, Jimin-ah. I understand."

God. He hates how much power Taehyung has. The moment he saw how his eyes drooped, sadness evident from his little pout but still managed to still speak with such gentleness in his voice, Jimin knew that it's a lost cause. He pinched the bridge of his nose trying to relieve the tension and inhaled deeply to get rid of his annoyance.

"Okay, I'll try just this once." Jimin finally said that made the taller man beam his beautiful boxy smile which is the culprit for making his knees feel like jelly.

Taehyung led him to the computer chair and prepared the game, logging in using his own ID because Jimin doesn't have an account. He sat with not much comfort bracing himself from failure and probably the mocking of his best friend's clique from how bad he will suck on the game.

He held onto the mouse and started playing randomly, no idea of what he's doing. He just wants to get this over with.

Meanwhile, Taehyung is watching him from behind admiring Jimin's effort and cuteness every time he makes little noises when he gets carried away.

"T-Tae! What do I do? Oh no!" Taehyung's soulmate alarm went on red alert and he was suddenly taken out from dreamland. Without further thinking, he held Jimin's right hand to guide the mouse while his left was guiding Jimin's hand in pressing the right keys. He ducked his head so their faces are now just inches apart and Jimin, might just be dying not just from the game but quite literally as well. His heart beats loud and fast like there's a stampede of elephants in his chest, everything is just too intimate. Now his brain had completely given up and couldn't think of anything else but Taehyung's presence engulfing him.

"Yes! You won!"

Jimin was taken by surprise. How the hell did he win? He cocked his head on the right side as an impulse to ask what just happened only to be taken aback again because Taehyung's face was merely just an inch apart from his own, he can feel the others warmth that intoxicates him so much.

"God you are the most beautiful man in the world" is the thought that bombards his mind every single day but of course he does his best to keep it in, except this time, he blurted it out loud and god he's gonna cry. He wanted to run and probably be swallowed by the black hole if ever but how can he do that when Taehyung is still pretty much caging him? Great job, Jimin. No escape for you.

Taehyung's eyes became round, obviously shocked from the sudden comment of his best friend, soulmate, boy crushie and unrevealed love of his life. Damn. He is so ecstatic and the next thing he knows, their lips are meeting in a soft at first type of kiss that turns heated in seconds like it was the most natural and perfect thing to ever happen in between them.

When they broke the kiss to breathe, it was followed by the confession that they have been both keeping since they were seventeen.


I made this short AU thread on Twitter when VMIN breathe after so long of being thirsty. :))

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