Branches of The Company

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The Company(Ragnarok Industries)
[They don't see this as an invasion it's merely business.]
•Made up of Four Branch's
Backstory will be explained
-They support the Death Heads(Merc Group)
- Reaches all over the planet
-Uses soldiers to enforce laws in country's controlled by them(Helghast/Geths are a lot more seen there)
-Slowly readying the planet to be conquered
-Ranks/classes of Helghast forces and Geth still exist
Ruled over by a Board
•Eight Members(Answer to another group or council)
•Made up of invasion force and local intelligent life
•Members are located at different sites(Never in one place)
•Covered in shadows and voices are changed
-Helghast/Geth scientists are brought to research better tech
-Helghast and Geth tech are considered creations by the company
-Mando armor is produced for their private sector at top security labs
-All alien tech is claimed as advanced science or breakthroughs
-Leaders in tech fields for both public and military purposes
-Created portals to get back to the Corporation
*Portals are placed on host worlds and used as means of transportation of troops.*
-Medical does the genetic alterations
-Invented the use of Clockwork/steampunk to bring back warriors(brings back dead soldiers)
-Sells weapons and armor for a profit to different military's but keeps the good gear for themselves
-Sells weapons on black market
-Research Bio-Weapons
-Research Drugs
-Research cures for diseases
-SuperSolider research
-Altering certain parts of the human brain
*The Feeling of fear and feeling pain*
-Helghast/Geth scientists are brought in to find cures
-Some soldiers are altered like the villains from Madness Combat(Agents,Engineers)
-"Volunteers" are altered by scientists

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