Insane Act

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    It was a normal day at UA. The only thing wrong was the lack of decoration around the campus. You see it's October 18. Halloween is just around the corner. The students rushed in as the bell rang. They knew that Aizawa-sensei was always at least 20 minutes late so they just split into their respective groups.
    Bakugou was with the Bakusquad. They were just chilling and talking at his desk. Bakugou was listening but was staring at a certain broccoli head. He didn't understand what his feelings meant so he never acted on them. Deku was hanging out with Uraraka, Iida, and Todoroki by his desk.
    Deku was oblivious to the pining feelings of a hot-head blonde and a cold-hearted prince. AS he was talking about the new hero that just debuted. His animated gestures were adorable to the two rivals. Todoroki smirked at the blonde as he was continuously staring at the ball of sunshine.
After little meaningless words were spoken, Aizawa entered the class. "We are having a little show for Halloween. The main focus of this is deception. You will have to do undercover missions as well as others. You will draw from this box," He held up a box, "Your role in this will be on the slip of paper." He paused for any questions before continuing. "You will put together a skit with your teammates that I pick for you. You may ask for help from other departments. You will also be performing for the school."
Everyone went up to pick a role to play. Deku was the last as he didn't want to hinder anyone's excitement by being in front of them. He also was really nervous. He wasn't an actor of any sort. It was soon his turn. He picked up a black paper.


I was startling to the class. How could such a pure character be about to play such a reverse role?
Deku smirked evilly. This caught the attention of the class. "I could totally do this," Deku exclaimed.
The tone used caught everyone off guard. It was like there was really a villain in the room.
"Well, it seems that Midoriya already got into the role. Now to pick partners. To pick partners we are going to use the same method of choosing roles."
Everyone was shocked to see the sudden change. The change carried out throughout the day.
"I think I will go first," Deku said was he was the first up. Everyone was too scared to do anything. He picked two papers.


"Well well, the werewolves ~" The singsong voice sent chills down everyone's spine. The boys in question blushed due to the sickly sweet tone. After recovery, they turned to glare at each other.
Deku just went back to his seat. After everyone got a card. Everyone was close to shouting but Aizawa was sleeping. It was really getting on Deku's nerve. Deku stood up in a silent and swift movement. The ice-cold tone that left the mouth of the 'class cinnamon roll' just didn't fit.
"If you imbeciles don't shut the hell up I'll promise you the most agonizing, excruciating, disturbing death humanly possible." A green aura surrounded the class. The sparks of one for all flickered in the white lights of the room.
The tense atmosphere was enough to wake the teacher up from his deep slumber. His eyes shot open as he sensed a villain. He quickly gathered himself as stood.
Aizawa was scanning the room before noticing that a green aura was all over the place. As his eyes landed on Midoriya he was pierced with ice-cold eyes. You'd think that after facing as many villains as he has, a high-school kid shouldn't scare him. But here we are.
Deku was glad with the reaction he got that he shot his signature smile as he sat back down.
"Mid-doriya would you like to explain th-the change in your attitude." The stuttering caught everyone off guard. Was he really that scared of Deku?
"I'm just getting in the role~. Is there something wrong~" Deku was pleased with the work he had created. Everyone was either trembling or hide their emotions. It's not every day you could mess will young, fresh, easy minds.
"Hell yeah, something is wrong. You aren't you." The sudden outburst made everyone jump from being on edge. Bakugou was terrified but he didn't let it show.
"Oh~" Deku sang as he tilted his head to think about it. "I think I'm supposed to be a villain.~"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2020 ⏰

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