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I met Jinyoung 3 years ago.  After 2 months we started dating.  We have been married for 3 weeks now.

My life couldn't be better.  I am just happy with what I have.  Jinyoung.

I thought everything would be perfect and nothing bad could happen until this one evening ....

"Hey .. Naєun .. Why are you still calling at the time?"  Chaeyeon asked on the cell phone.

"Jinyoung, he should have been home 3 hours ago, but he's not here," I explained.

"Oh Naeun .... It is 4 in the morning ... Some people sleep around the clock. Maybe he just fell asleep in the studio," Chaeyeon tried to calm me down and make me hang up so that she could continue sleeping.

"Are you sure of Chaeyeon? What if he cheats?"

Chaeyeon sighed.

"Well ... He loves you and only you. You are his number one. Do you remember yoke when he told you that and his mother got angry because she wanted to be number one? He only loves you. He doesn't cheat  . "

Naeun sighed this time

"Where's he at?"

"Well ... there's nothing to drive you crazy. Go to sleep. He'll be with you tomorrow morning"

"Thank you Chae ... that's why you're my best friend"

"What do you have friends for otherwise"

"Good night Chaeyeon"

"Probably good morning," she laughed and I lay on the bed.

He'll be here tomorrow morning ...


"Good morning Jinyo-" I interrupted when I realized that nobody was next to me.

"He ... He's not here ..."

I looked at the clock


"Damn it! I'm too late!"

I stormed out of bed and put on my work clothes.

I looked at my cell phone.

17 missed calls from Minju

38 missed calls from Darling💕

99+ unread messages from 3 different chats

What did I miss?

I stormed from our apartment to the hospital to my workplace, where Minju my colleague is waiting for me impatiently.

"There you are at last! I've tried to call you so many times!"  she mocked

I yawned sleepily.

"What is so important?"  you could clearly hear that I wasn't interested at all.

We're not that good friends.

"Your man"

I looked at her with wide eyes.

Was she the one at Jinyoung who was the night?

"Do not look at me like that!"  Minju moaned

I gave her a questionable look

"How come?"

She rolled her eyes.

"You look like I confessed to you that I like you"

"Oh ... I'm sorry ... What about my husband?"

Minju sighed annoyed.

"I told you that before! Well again .. Your husband's name is Yoon Jinyoung and he is 21 right?"

I just nodded

"He has a lot of tattoos on his arm correctly?"

I nodded again.

"He's in the emergency room"

My eyes grew huge.  I can't believe what she just said.  Jinyoung and in the emergency room?  What happened?

"Why didn't you say that right away ?!"  I called and ran towards the emergency room.

Jinyoung was actually lying.  My husband Jinyoung in front of me.  His name shows John Doe.

I immediately called the chief doctor.

"What do you want Mrs. Yoon for ?!"  annoyed he rolled his eyes.

"Why John Doe? He's not death! It's my husband!"

The doctor looked at me in surprise.

"Your husband? Could you fill in the data for him then?"

"W-why didn't he do it himself"

Still in shock to see Jinyoung there, my gaze alternated between him and my boss.

"You don't know yet? The car accident made him lose his memory. He's suffering from amnesia. Most likely retrograde amnesia. We're not sure yet. He wasn't stable enough to question him. We're waiting for him to wake up."


I sat next to him, holding Jinyoung's hand.  His eyes still closed.

I knew that the worst time would begin for me now.

Tears formed in my eyes and the salty liquid rolled down my cheek.

"Why are you crying?"  asked a voice

"I only know that my husband can't remember any of our best memories. That pulls me down"

"Who is her husband?"

I looked up to see who I was talking to.

It was jinyoung.

He really didn't remember.

"You ... you are my husband ... it is you Yoon Jinyoung"

He looked at me guiltily.

"I'm sorry ... I don't remember you. Who are you? And why are you holding my hand?"

I let go of his hand crying.  I'm just a stranger to him.  I walked.


I came back after a while with a photo book of all of our pictures.

I sat down with Jinyoung and showed him some of the pictures.

With the newer pictures and the wedding pictures he remembered nothing.

However, with older pictures.

"Yes ... I know that. It was at the playground in front of my apartment. I was 5 at the time and my neighbor Naeun always played there with me. What only became Naeun ... She should be 15 now ... Exactly  like me."

I looked at him in shock.  He really doesn't remember me.

"You know ... I really like Naeun. When I grow up later, I want to marry her as soon as possible."

Exactly the words he said to me 6 years ago ... tears formed again.

"Do you think it's okay to get married so early? Few do it"

"Oh what ... I know I want to spend my life with Naeun. I want to be with her and only with her. Maybe you know where she is right now?"

I'm here Jinyoung ...

"You have to know ... you look a lot like her, however, please don't be angry with me, you are too old to be Naeun."

I have to let go


At home, I wait for Jinyoung to come home every day, but to no avail.

I still love you Yoon Jinyoung.  I will never forget you even if you forgot me.


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