eleven {mature}

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Mark released a strangled yelp into the darkened room as his back hit the wall and Donghyuck caged him there, muttering incoherent sentences under his breath, nothing that even made sense. Before the older could even attempt to push him off, the younger was pressing his hips firmly against Mark's and drawing sinful noises from his lips.

"S-stop," the raventte groaned, gripping Donghyuck's shoulders tightly and throwing his head back. He couldn't stop them. Those sounds.

Their lips locked in a heated kiss, the brunette dominating since Mark was an insecure virgin who imagined he'd only do these things with his 'prince' one day. Honestly, the further they got, and the more they explored, the less the ravenette thought he had left to save.

I've never even dated anyone before, he pouted into the younger's lips, his lower one getting tugged between Hyuck's teeth. It was all new and exciting until reality would hit the next morning. And boy did it hit hard.

As Mark used more of the strength he knew he held within him, he could feel his arms flex as he lifted the other into his arms, carrying him gently to the bed opposite his and hoping that Donghyuck would just go to sleep.

All was proven wrong as he was pulled downward atop the beautiful boy, forearms resting on either side of his head to keep himself up. The pillow caused him to sink further, lips barely grazing against Hyuck's.

"Mmhm," the brunette breathed out, cheeks appearing flushed even in the dim light shed by the moon. His breaths were more laborious than before, and it was clear that whatever was running through his head, was getting intense.

I need to get out of here before this gets worse, Mark thought nervously, trying to crawl back. Though he was prevented from moving any further when Donghyuck pressed his thighs together and whined out, almost.....longingly?

"This kid," the older sighed, glancing over his shoulder at his precious single bed, wanting so desperately to crawl back under the sheets and daydream up at the ceiling like he always did.

But there was an issue here, and that issue was something he needed to solve.

"I'm going to regret this," he sighed, scratching the back of his neck as Donghyuck continued to look stressed and panicked amidst whatever dream he was experiencing. "Just this once," he rolled his eyes.

Being gentle to peel the loose trousers down, Mark was hesitant to continue since this was literally a violation of the boy's rights, as well as being against everything he had ever been raised to feel. But there had been many more accounts of the younger popping his personal space bubble than Mark invading his......so this was justified, right?

Tentatively wrapping his fingers around the brunette's member, Mark chewed at his other hand's thumbnail habitually, gazing at the other's face as he slowly moved his hand along it.

Please be over soon, he begged inwardly, feeling all flushed and embarrassed even touching himself, let alone trying to help another. This was all to make Donghyuck calm down and actually sleep.

"M-Mark," he gasped out, arching his back as his high crawled nearer.

"Shit," the ravenette hissed, not only completely flabbergasted by the fact that his enemy had just called out his name, but just having realised he hadn't planned this far ahead. What the fuck do I do when he releases?

His heart was pounding at this point, hands quivering as the nasty little reality check came to hit him harshly. He was doing something gay. With Lee Donghyuck.

Of course, they had been at these silly games for months now, but since Mark was somewhat starting to 'participate', for lack of better words, things were getting a little too real.

I'm not doing this, the teen tried to convince himself, breath hitching as Donghyuck leaned into his touch, arching his hips as a airy moan escaped.

It wasn't until the younger collapsed down tiredly, chest rising and falling to the beat of his heart, that Mark looked down to inspect the damage.

The half naked boy beneath him, only dressed in a t-shirt and the moonlight. The white liquid dripping between his own fingers and down his hand. The mess of memories he was going to have to live with now....alone.

The male was starting to panic. Raising his hand and starting to lose rhythm for his breathing, be stared at it with widened eyes. The air was getting caught in his throat as he truly started to realise how bad this had all gotten. He was literally perched between the legs of a boy he hated.

"I need to change rooms," he croaked out, looking around him to distinguish the sleeping faces of all his older roommates. They were so peaceful, so calm, and so oblivious.

Clambering off the mattress, all Mark could do was lock himself in the bathroom and run water over his hands, scrubbing and scrubbing with soap until the skin was red and raw. Even then, it still wasn't enough.

He had given in, so how could he possibly have forgiven himself?

Dropping to his knees and firmly gripping the white, ceramic sink above, the ravenette burst into tears. Those warm, salty droplets that slid from his tear ducts were all proof of his inner battle.

The phrase 'sleeping with the enemy' seemed so ironic yet true at this point. The male's shoulders were trembling from his harsh sobs as he dropped his arms to lean back against the sink's stem. His head knocked against the surface, and it hurt. But that pain didn't even compute with his body.

I've fucked up, I've fucked up, I've fucked up.

Training his eyes on the white door with it's paint peeling slightly, Mark stayed awake for the remainder of the night. His mind was so alive with skin crawling shame and questions.

Though one thing did ease his frayed nerves ever so slightly.

If Donghyuck had called his name back then, did that mean he would wake up with a little guilt too?

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Jeez, these chapters are so stupid.....I don't even know anymore.
But oh well, it is what it is.
Thanks for putting up with this weirdass story~

𝗽𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗸; markhyuck Where stories live. Discover now