Chapter 5

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I went to the beach with Stephanie and alexie and we were looking for the rock were they met Mavis the mermaid. They swam to the rock and Mavis was sitting behind the rock crying. "What's wrong" said Alexie. "My sister was captured by humans" said Mavis. "What can we do to help" said Stephanie. "We need to turn you guys into mermaids. So they hiked to the top of crystal mountain were they would find the magical necklace. They brought it back to Mavis and Mavis sang the mermaid song "listen to my mermaid song and do as my command and turn these there into mermaid form. They were transformed into mermaids and dove to the bottom of the sea were Mavis's mother the queen lived. They're mother had a plan about how to save Ana. She had divided them into two groups and one half would distract the humans and the other half would save Ana. They swam to there hideaway and followed the plan and rescued Ana. Mavis and Emily were so happy to see Ana they had a party for her return. Madison and Stephanie and alexie swam home and returned to normal and lived happily ever after.

THE END!!!!!

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