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It was a bright and sunny day, in Ponyville, Twilight was reading a book on spells in her rainbow castle and her friends were doing there own thing. This castle had appeared after Twilight and her friends used their gifts from embracing their element, to unlock the chest from the Tree of Harmony and gotten their rainbow powers. Twilight had also had to deal with the Dazzlings, but thats a story for later. 

Twilight and her friends were now full grown mares they all had daughters who represented and were bearers for the elements of harmony, but thats also a story for later. Twilight knew that since she was now an alicorn princess that technically made her immortal and able to live for hundreds of thousands of years, but little did she know that today a terrible incident would happen....

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2015 ⏰

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