Lan Zhan x Wei Ying storytime

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Summary: Wei Ying wants Lan Zhan to tell him a story.

Mature theme. 18+

Their bodies lay tangled together, their sweat and cum mixed on each others skin as their hearts beat and veins pumped blood around their body. Wei Ying's face was red and flushed as he tried to regain his breath and Lan Zhan was busy stroking his wet hair out his face, his other hand lovingly brushing Wei Ying's swollen lip. After a few moments he quietly got up, despite Wei Ying's protests, only to return a moment later with a damp towel. Carefully, he cleaned Wei Ying's beautiful body, his eyes lingering on his love marks that adorned his lover. Once he was sure his body was clean, he covered him with a blanket and observed how deeply Wei Ying was breathing, curled up warmly.


He went to clean himself too, tommorrow he would prepare a warm bath for Wei Ying, he wanted to let him sleep now. 5 minutes later he slipped into the bed and under the blanket, pressing his body towards Wei Ying and waiting for him to latch onto him as he always did. A moment later, Wei Ying's legs wrapped around him as his hands slide over and under his chest and his head nuzzled perfectly onto his shoulder. It was how they both needed to sleep recently and Lan Zhan couldn't imagine falling asleep without it.

"Lan Zhan," Wei Ying's sweet and muffled voice called out.

"Mnn," he allowed Wei Ying to push his body upwards as Wei Ying lay by his side, more awake now.

"I'm not sleepy now," Wei Ying pouted. He had felt sleepy as Lan Zhan cleaned his body, but once Lan Zhan came into bed he felt more awake and restless.

"Don't sleep, just rest." Lan Zhan intoned as he twisted on his side to face Wei Ying.

"No, don't want to!" Wei Ying pouted even more, making Lan Zhan momentarily frozen.

Wei Ying knew that there was little Lan Zhan could say no to after he pouted. It was this way that he managed to tease him during eating, during mediation, during class, during cultivation. If he showed Lan Zhan his pout, Lan Zhan couldn't refuse. Once Wei Ying knew this he evilly used it at every opportunity and even if Lan Zhan knew his intentions, there was nothing he could do to protect himself from it.

"What does Wei Ying want?" Lan Zhan finally murmured, his eyes clouded over with adoration.

"A story!" Wei Ying pecked Lan Zhan's cheek happily.

"No." Lan Zhan had never read a fictional story in his life, much less spoken more than 3 sentences strung together.

"Wei Ying is sad," Wei Ying puffed his cheeks and made a sad face, "Wei Ying might cry."

Lan Zhan blinked nervously and tried to look away from Wei Yings shameless teasing. He knew Wei Ying was joking, but he still couldn't bear it.

"Lan Zhan talks during sex! Lan Zhan say's 'more' and 'ugh Wei Ying faster' and 'take it out' when I put it in my mouth, so how come Lan Zhan can't speak now!" Wei Ying huffed. He knew he was being merciless, seeing the way Lan Zhan's ears turned noticeably bright, even in soft light of the room.

Even though he and Lan Zhan had been together for a couple of months now and they stuck together like glue, Lan Zhan still barely spoke, only speaking when he needed to and a few words at a time. Instead, he would listen to Wei Ying's endless babbling and stories, carefully remembering everything his lover told him. Wei Ying didn't mind it either, he loved his Lan Zhan and understood the way his eyes would communicate to him all his love and devotion. He wouldn't change him for anything, Lan Zhan was perfect.

But this was too fun. Seeing the way Lan Zhan tensed up when he asked him for a story, trying to avoid his fake tearfulness, made him feel giddy with excitement. He wanted to hear Lan Zhan tell him a story, talking to him in his beautiful and husky voice as he fell asleep. Plus, he missed his goodnight stories his used to get from his Shiji when he was a kid.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2020 ⏰

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