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Nora's P

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Nora's P.O.V

It was mom's funeral day. Jane was the one to arrange everything. She even help me to buy the coffin. I was tired because I didn't sleep most of the night as I was writing an eulogy for my mom. I want this to be perfect because she deserve the best funeral. The body was moved to a funeral home which was in a walking distance from my house. I couldn't believe any of this. I started sobbing. I took out a knee length black dress and wear it. Then I put my hair into a bun. My under eyes were reddish because of so much crying. I was looking dead which I was, from inside. I was already dead. I applied some foundation under my eyes because I didn't want anyone to notice my pain and sympathize about it. I am just done with the fake assurance.
Nina was very much broken, she was not talking to anyone, except me. I was scared for her. She is too young to go through this. I was trying to cheer her up but somewhere, she too knew that she has lost the biggest piece of her heart.

"Hey, we are gonna get through this, together and forever. We are going to pass all the obstacles in our way" I said. She had a sad and worried look on her face. As long as I can, I would protect Nina. I will always protect her.

"Nene, do you think mom is a angel now? I always heard that good people becomes angel when they died" said Nina. Those words bring tears to my eyes. My sister is really mature than I ever was.

"Yes, mom was always an angel, protecting us from the demons" I said and then I hugged her tight. She hugged me back. She going through much worse than me. She is just 9 years old. I cannot let her live this miserably she might be in a trauma her whole life.

We reached the funeral home within few minutes. Many people were gathered. My mom's stone cold body was lying inside the coffin. She was looking beautiful as always. It's like she is just sleeping but that's not the truth. She was no more alive. Many people have brought white roses and purple hyacinth. The purple hyacinth is a popular symbol of sorrow and regret. The white roses are a symbol of purity and innocence. Though my mom used to love red roses and guess what, my mother's name was also Rose. Everything is so depressing. When I enter the building, I felt a negative energy. The environment was gloomy,dark and sad. I saw many people. Some of them were my mom's friends and colleagues, there was Dr. Arthur too. He was sobbing heavily, I kinda pity him. Then I saw him. Elijah. He was wearing a black tuxedo, his hair was messy. I never expected to see him here. I quit his job, I act badly with him and he is still here? I know, he loves to see me breaking apart and suffering. He is feeling happy by looking at my condition. For a split of second his eyes met mine and I suddenly looked at the floor. I don't want his sympathetic look. I can handle myself. I also saw Mark. He was talking to someone on phone. Then I saw Elian Cooper, the most nicest Cooper in my opinion. I never thought to see the Cooper's here but here they are. Many people came and hug me and comfort me.

I was sad and nervous. My emotions were all over the place. I slowly get up on the platform. It was time for the eulogy. I stand straight and my grip was on the microphone.

"Thank you for coming. I never thought that one day I would wake up and heard that my mom has been murdered. The police is still investigating and they will find the culprit soon. I just want to say that my mom was a hero and she will always be. She was fearless and a kind woman. She was a good mother and a friend for me. But you know when you go to garden to pick a flower and you pick the best one, that's exactly what god did. God pick up my mother because she was the best person. She always sacrificed everything for me and my sister. The struggle of being a single mother is worst. I thought I could help her but I was wrong, I was a stupid and a dumb girl. I was delusional. A good job can never bring happiness if you don't work hard for it. It was my fault, if only I was with my mom that day. Nothing would have happened."

I started crying in front of everyone. I couldn't hold back my tears anymore. I was guilty, though subconsciously I knew that it was not my fault but I just wanted to hurt myself. I didn't know why but I wanted to kill myself so bad. Jane came running towards me and hold my hand.

"I am sorry but Nora is not feeling well. Now Mrs. Johnson would like to share some good moments of her life with Rose Jones." Said Jane to the attendants. I saw Mrs. Johnson to get up from her seat, she was coming towards the platform. Mrs. Johnson was my mom's bestie and colleague. They both used to go on a shopping tour together. Jane hold me and force me to sit down on a chair.

"You didn't have anything? I know, let me bring you some cold drink, you will feel better" said Jane. I was going to say no but she didn't listen to me and left. I was feeling awful actually. I don't know if it is because I have not eaten anything till morning or because I have less sleep at night.
"Why are you torturing yourself Nora? It was not your fault, you never could have predicted this" I look up and saw Elijah standing in front of me. I was the sad one but somehow he looked equally broken. I guess he is going to start with a lecture now. Typical Elijah.

"Why do you care? I can do anything, it's my life and my choice. You are no one to care for me" I said. He was expressionless, as usual.

"Well you are right I am no one to care about you but Nora you have no one who will take care of you, so I guess you should let people care about you" said Elijah. Was he kidding me? How can he say that? I know I lost my mother and I know no one will care for me like she used to do but that doesn't mean he would say that on my face.

"What you want? I quit your job and I would never be your problem" I said. I was getting angry on him. He was pissing me off.

"I want to offer you something. I know you would hate it but this is best for you and your sister." Said Elijah. I was confused. What he wants to offer now? I don't trust his motives. I was silent and didn't said anything.

"I want you to come and live with me. You can bring your sister too. This is good for everyone." He said. What? Is he out of his mind? I will never live with him. I would not let him near my sister. I don't trust anyone right now.

"No this is not happening, I would never live with you. You go die in hell" I said in a angry tone. I don't wanted to see him anymore. I think I said too much.

"If I were you I would have taken the offer. I would have never let my sister in trouble. Your sister can have a better live if you come with me. But it's your choice, call me if you agree." Said Elijah and left. I know it's a trap. He hit me in the center. He knows that Nina is my weakness. But he is right I don't have a job and Nina needs a better live. As much as I want to help my sister, I don't want to stay with Elijah. I am not going to give up so fast. I don't need him. I can do it, on my own. I will get a job soon. Ugh, I hate you Elijah Cooper.

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