A Morning At the hitoshi household

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Sero's pov: I wake up and I see shinso and denki cuddling I kiss them both on the forehead then go to the living room

Riku's pov:
Me and sora are messing around jumping on furniture and making enuff noise not to wake mom dad and papa up but enuff to annoy haru, then sora accidentally steps on Haru's PC and all hell broke loose

Haru's pov:
SHE STEPPED ON NY PC ,so I stuck her to the wall and was about to smack her With the worst method of punishment......The chancla

Sero's pov:
I walk into the living room to see haru using his quirk on sora AGAIN, "Haru put sora down" I say in a stern voice as he starts to get sora down,

"Hmph" sora mumbles as she gets down "Sora I'm sorr-" he was going to say but then his eyes turn white

Sora's pov: I use my quirk on Haru and because I'm pissed off because this is the 15 time this week. "Slap yourself" I wait for him to slap himself then deactivate my quirk.
"OI DID YOU JUST USE YOUR QUIRK ON ME" Haru yells as we both start a fight.

Sero's pov:
I'm just gonna silently pray and wait for denki and shinso to get up because I suck at stopping fights between Sora and Haru "NU" Riku yells as he gets dragged into the fight

Denki's pov:
I wake up to hear yelling downstairs and run to see what's going on,when I get there I see Hanta attempting to break up a fight between Riku,Haru and Sora wich he completely sucks at.

Riku's pov:
I know there my siblings and I should love them but they always doing this. "I WILL SHOCK EVEEYONE IN THIS ROOM" I yell and that gets my siblings attention.

"SHUT UP RIKU" they say in unison as they continue there fight except without me.

Shinso's pov:
I wake up and hear lots of noise downstairs so i throw on a semi decant t-shirt and some jeans as I walk downstaris. I see Riku yelling at Sora and Haru as they fought, and denki and Hanta trying to stop the fight.

"Kitten can you PLEASE help us" hanta asks as he notices me. I nod and look at Sora and haru "STOP FIGHTING OR I WILL TURN OFF THE WI-FI" I yell as Sora and Haru immediately stop

"NUUUUU" they both yell as denki laughs " These are definitely your kids shin" Hanta jokes as i slap his back playfully

----------------------------------------------------------- I suck at writing so no hate plz TvT. But other than that im working on the other chapters Rn.

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