Chapter 2

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" Ahhhhhh! Its One Direction! " Claire and I were screaming.


I was calm on the outside but honestly, I was screaming on the inside. They are just so hawtttt. They strolled past us, getting ready for the concert. I was staring at him. Harry. I love him alot. He was my favourite. While strolling past us, Harry turned. He smiled, revealing his dimples and he winked at me. I was blushing and I was staring at the ground. I was just overwhelmed.

" Omg, did Harry just wink at Val?" Jessica asked.

"YES! HE DID!!!" Claire exclaimed.

I just continued staring at my shoes, heat continuing to rise to my cheeks.

We headed out to watch the concert. The boys were soooo awesomeeee!! I love them...

*After the concert*

We headed backstage to see the lads.

Jessica and Claire pulled me towards them, asking for a picture. Suddenly, I felt a strong grip on my hand. I turned and saw Harry. He pulled me to a very quiet corner.

" Hey, you're Valerie right? Heard your friends calling you that."

I nodded.

" So, just wanted to ask you out sometime this week?"

I was blushing again. I agreed and exchanged phone numbers and I promised Harry to never give ANYONE his number.


Omg, the way when she smiles at the ground and blushes. Ahhhh I'm so overwhelmed. So, when should I ask her out and where should I bring her?


Ok, so this is basically rubbish. Its gonna get better in the next chapter I hope. Please continue reading/fanning/voting/commenting...Luff ya alllllll!!!!!! <3

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