Why mom

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Hey guys this is Nevaeh!

This is my first ever story, i worked really hard on it so i hope you guys enjoy and give me any feedback!

I wanna make this story have meaning and people learn something from it!

Instagram- @Nevaeh_Wallin

Let's get to the story!


The birds are chirping, the sun is out, and i wake up to my cat Lucy licking my face. Slowly waking up i realized this was the last day of school before spring break. I put Lucy on her cat bed and fed her before going to the bathroom. I do the same thing every morning, wake up, fed Lucy, take shower, get changed, eat breakfast, and then my older brother Matthew drives me to school.

School for me is interesting. Well if you call being ignored, having no friends, and getting picked last in gym class interesting because that happens to me. That's my everyday life at school.

Apart from being bullied in my past i never let it bother me. I show no emotion because i know if i show emotion that would show people i am weak. I used to let it get to me but i learned quickly that not everyone is going to like you.

I hopped in the shower and washed my body and hair. When i get out I brush my teeth.

I smell the food in the kitchen and know my mom has made my favorite, french toast. My mom has always been an amazing cook, she learned from my grandma and they are the reason i learned how to cook.

I walked back in my room after my shower to see Lucy meowing and scratching at the door. I've had Lucy since i was 10 and she has always been attached to me. I put food in her bowl and refill the water before i changed. I open my closet and find a classic gray shirt i always wear and my black high waisted jeans and found a pair of sneakers to go with it.

I walk out of my room and into the hallway. "Hey Maddie!" Her name is Madalayn but i call her Maddie. Maddie is my younger half sibling that is 7 years old.

"Hey Cami!" she said as she ran down the hallway to the kitchen for breakfast.

My name is Camille but my family calls me Cami.

Walking after her was my older brother Matthew, we call him Matt.

"Hurry before the food gets cold" my mother said. My mom was wearing this long dress and she could easily pull off being someone in their early 30s.

I sit down where i normally sit and start eating.

"Are you guys ready for school?" my mom asked.

"Yes! I'm really excited for my field trip to the zoo!" said maddie while she had food in her mouth.

"Oh, i forgot to ask but can i go to a party with my friends tonight?" Matt asked while looking at his phone.

"As long as you take Cami with you." My mom said with a grin.

I was very focused on eating this french toast that i was completely ignoring everything they were talking about.

Matt rolled his eyes "Why?"

"Come on, Cami never leaves the house," my mom says.

I look at Matt and he is death staring me wanting me to say something.

" Mom! I would rather be home then to be with Matthew's dumb friends at a party and watch them get drunk!"

Mom quickly looked at Matthew and pointed a finger " No drinking at the party.. Got it!"


Mom looked back at me "Cami you are going you need to get out of the house for once."

"She's right it gets annoying when you come in my room and ask to play." said Maddie and then Matthew laughs.

"Maddie!" said mom.

Dang i didn't know that even my 7 year old sister got bored of me.

Maybe they were right and i needed to live a little but i prefer to sit and stare at a wall for hours then to spend it at a party then watch teenagers cheer out "chug".

"You are going Cami!" My mom said with a stern tone.

Ugh I knew if i complained I would have had to deal with her even more.

Matthew grabbed his keys and i shoved my french toast in my mouth, i knew he wouldn't wait that long for me before he would take off to go to school without me.


After being in the car for like 10 minutes we finally arrived at school, Matthew as usual didn't want me around him or his friends. We have always came to terms that he was the popular one and I was known as "Matthew's younger sister."

Getting out of the car you see all of Matthew's friends walk up to him but not once has anyone looked or greeted me. Less then a minute he was already gone and i was left outside, Everyday i felt as if i was invisible the only time people would look at me, was whenever they judged me.

I got to my locker and grab my books and i always see my brother and his friends walk down the hallways and give girls looks. Like ew they need to do other stuff with their lives.

It's funny how every girl loves to lust over the guys and there has been moments they would pass out by there sights. Not literally but I don't doubt it's happened.

School has never been hard for me. I've actually always liked school, it's like a escape from what goes on at home, after my parents divorced it has been hard on me, and spending 8 hours somewhere where i don't have to focus of that takes my mind off of things.

Being a fast learner i always pick up on things so easily. I would consider myself a teachers pet. Since Elementary all of my teachers have loved me and I find any holiday to show them the appreciation that no one else gives them.

Walking into Math class i remember we are getting our test back.

I never got nervous to get a test back but when i saw the look on everyone's face it looked like they were going to shit them self.  We received our tests back and i see everyone was shocked by the grade they got.

Mrs. Green got to my desk and said "Great Job, Camille!" and sets the test on my desk.

So i turned it around and many people were staring at me.

Another A+, i could tell everyone was annoyed but i didn't let it bother me. I secretly laughed on the inside, it's not that hard if they tried.

The thing that bothered me was having to go to a party with a bunch of popular people that don't know me.


Sorry this chapter was short but we have a lot to look forward too!

Thank you!💜💜

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