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Chapter 1

I sat there on the couch in the living room of the large house, scrolling through Instagram when my boss walked over. He was holding a camera that was pointed directly at me. I glanced up from my phone, looking at him strangely as he just smiled devilishly at me. 

"What do you want?" I mumbled, locking my phone as I smiled up at him. 

"Did you know we have to move soon?" He laughed softly as I just looked at him strangely.

"Yes, I'm doing everything for it," I said bluntly as he just laughed, walking closer to me and putting the camera further in my face. I looked at the lens of the camera before looking at him, pushing the camera away from me. "What? Is there something on my face?" I gulped, nervously wiping the corners of my mouth as he just laughed, continuing to film me. "Thomas, what's so funny? Why are you filming me?" I whined, standing up and walking out of the living room, my boss following me with his camera. 

"What are you two doing?" One of the other inhabitants of the house laughed as I ran into the kitchen, quickly putting him in front of me as Thomas entered with his camera. 

"What do you want? Why are you following me around with your camera?" I huffed, the boy in front of me laughing as he looked back at me. 

"Carter, I just want to film you," he smiled, nodding for Tony to get out of my way. Tony quickly ran behind Thomas, smiling as he watched me through the lens of the camera. 

"I don't get it? What's going on? Are you about to blow me or something? Am I about to get something dumped on me?" I yelled, Thomas and Tony, laughing harder the angrier that I got. 

"I'm doing a documentary on you, I'm going to film you every day for the next few weeks," Thomas finally caved in, but I just gave him an even more confused look. 

"Why?" I crossed my arms, looking at him strangely. 

"Because I want to give our fans an inside look at the Hype House, and who's the glue that keeps us all together?" Thomas smiled as I shook my head, looking at Tony for help as he just laughed, shaking his head at me. 

"You? Tony? Chase? Charli? I don't know," I mumbled as Thomas just laughed loudly, shaking his head before handing the camera to Tony before running over and hugging me tightly. 

"No, it's you, Carter! You do all the dirty work," Thomas smiled as I just stood there miserably as he hugged me tightly, Tony laughing from behind the camera. 

"Can I kindly decline the offer? I don't like the idea of you following me around for the next few weeks," I tried to push Thomas off of me but he didn't budge. Instead, he just shook his head at me, laughing softly. 

"No, you cannot decline this offer. You do then I'll fire you," he smirked as I nodded, clearing my throat. 

"Wrongful termination lawsuits are a bitch, Thomas," I laughed as I finally managed to push him off of me. He stood there, giving me puppy dogs. At first, I gave him a blank stare back, but then I caved, and a smile broke on my face. "You're lucky that I actually enjoy this job," I smirked, as he gasped, sticking his hand out. 

"So I have your permission to make a documentary about you, the Hype House assistant?!" He smiled as I laughed, nodding my head. 

"You have my permission to make a video about me," I laughed, shaking his hand. He grabbed my hand and pulled me in for a hug. 

"Tony, get in here," Thomas smiled over at Tony. He laughed softly before running over, making it a group hug.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2020 ⏰

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