A Little Taste

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(Forget they ever moved into the first house. This is gonna be in the house they recently moved into)

I opened the door and walked in hearing screaming. I headed to the kitchen and set everything down on the island. I heard running down the stairs and assumed it was them. I turned around to see Thomas chasing after Mia with a camera and Mia chasing after some bald guy. They just kept running around the island until Thomas noticed me.

(Imma use everyone's initials cuz I'm lazy)

TP: guys Caden's here
Mia: oh hey Caden nice to finally meet you
CS: fya it's nice to meet you to.
Bald guy: sup I'm Michael
CS: hi? Quick question why are you bald?
Mi: I did it for money
CS: oh alright then. So do you guys need any help moving stuff.
TP: yea there's just a few boxes left outside. The others are gonna get here in a few minutes they're just picking up some food.
Mia: don't worry to much about moving box's you gotta keep in mind we're lazy teenagers so we hired a bunch of people to do it for us.
Mi: ya we didn't wanna look like total jerks so we helped moved 4 box's. We were gonna get more but Mia started trying to kill me.....again.

With that Micheal went back to running away and Mia went back to chasing him. Thomas was just filming them and getting content. About an hour goes by of us just chilling up by the pool and getting to know each other better even tho most of what we need to know about each other is probably online already.

I guess we were being pretty loud cuz no one else heard the doorbell ring through the house. I mean we were outside. Anyway I ran over to the elevator and went down to the doors. When I opened the door I saw some lady standing there looking like she was ready to bite my head off. Basically a Karen I'm really not in the mood to deal with another one of her species today.

She started going of about how we were being to loud and asking where my parents were and if my parents know about my "bad behaviour" like who do you think you are talking shit to the daughter of a multi-billionaire. I tried being nice but she just talking and talking and talking. I started to wonder if she had an off switch. Like for get a mute button.

Eventually Mia, Thomas and Micheal came down cuz they heard all the yelling. Let me tell you it didn't get better. Nothing got resolved things only escalated. Eventually I had enough and just told her to go suck my dick and slammed the door in her face. You'd think she'd get the hint and leave but no she kept yelling and just stood there. Me being me I decided to mess with her a little.

I turned on all the sprinklers on full blast.

It's true what they say water does kill the witch. Or in my case get rid of the Karen but same difference. After that everything just got more chaotic with Mia and Micheal and Thomas.

CS: is it always this crazy
TP: no... it's worse but I can assure you, you'll never get bored in this house. Just wait till everyone gets her and gets settled. That's when the really party starts.
CS: sounds like my life is about to get a lot more fun.
TP: you got that right.

It ended up getting pretty late pretty quick. Time flys  when you're having fun with friends. We all just ended up sleeping in the house cuz no one really wanted to drive at this hour. I went to sleep knowing that my life was about to take a turn for the better. I couldn't wait to meet everyone else including the sway boys.

Should I just skip to when everyone's moved in I mean the hype house not the sway.

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