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The moment you enter in this world is also the moment you need to fight for yourself.

In this world happenings happened unexpectedly.

In this world some things does exist.

In this world impossible things can be possible.

It's hard to believe from the others but some people live with their special abilities.

Green represents people with the power of super intellegence and invincible.

Orange represents people with the power that can do self-multiplication and can strech longer.

Yellow represents people with the power that can do speed, manipulate electricity and water.

Blue represents people with the power of time freezing, telekenesis and can manipulate fire.

and the last or the rarest one..

Red represents people with the power of mind manipulation, precognition and sometimes the posibility of adopting other powers or in other word the strongest among all.

and me, which one I do belong?

Well it's the last one and let's take this as a secret..


The Darkest WorldTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon