omg this is actually really long

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I woke up around noon and got myself some coffee, i really needed that shit. I had bags under my eyes and i looked pale as hell but, this was the first day of senior year!!! im so fucking exited. i got in my 2004 honda and started driving to school. when i got there my best friend katie was waiting for me.
" heyyy bitchhh guess what"
"there is a new boy from chicago transferring here!
"damn katie i've been looking for a boyfriend for a while now, do you think he would be the one?"
but before i could call her out on her lies of saying i could ever get a bf i run into this shaggy brown haired boy
"damn sorry i wasnt watching where i was going"
"oh uhm its ok"
i was shocked at how hot he was my pussy started to throb just at the sight of him
"my name is Adam, you?"
i was staring into his gorgeous emerald eyes
"omg sorry thats so embarrassing"
no y/n your such a fucking idiotwhy would you say it's embarrassing! njrjejeitjf
"oh no your good"
"ok haha anyways i should get to class sorry for this weird encounter"
i wave and walk away starting to head to mrs.phillips home room. i get im the class and sit down in a seat over bu the window i start spacing off then mrs. philips had to ruin it by talking
"good morning class! welcome back, my name is mrs. philips and im your home room teacher! but before we get into pur assignments i would like to introduce our new student, Adam Jones"
omg- im freaking out right now adam is in MY homeroom??
"now adam the only seat left is right next to miss.y/n so why dont you sit down. Oh! class i almost forgot to tell you! the seat your sitting in now is your permanent seat for the rest of the year!"
oh great i have to sit my crush all year! im gonna make a complete fool myself
"oh hey y/n i didnt know you had"
"oh yea hahah i do"
"well it seems like were gonna have a lot of fun"
but before i could ask him what he meant the bell rang and he took my by the hand
"what are you doing adam?"
"i want to show you something really quick ok? i did it this morning"
"um ok?"
he leads me to his locker and he pulls out a piece of paper with a picture on it
"wow this place looks gorgeous!"
it was a picture of a lake with blue waters and gorgeous trees everywhere
"yea i found it in my bag this morning i thought you might like it"
"its beautiful adam thank you! also since were in the same homeroom do you want my number? you know just incase she gives us any projects?"
"oh yeah sure thats probably a really good idea"
i start to blush but the 2nd period bell rings and we have to part out ways but when i got back to my locker from 8th period i found a note with adams snapchat my heart started to flutter and i got butterflies in my stomach.
it was soon time to go home. when i got home my mom was passed out on the couch as usual and my abusive father was watching tv so i had to quietly sneak up to my room to snap Adam. we snap chatted for a long time and soon it was the weekend.
incoming call from Adam🥺💕🤍
you press accept
"hey y/n"
"oh hi adam"
"i was wondering if you wanted to go to this special place i found?"
"yeah! i would love too!"
"ok cool, its a date then haha"
"hahha ok bye"
he picks me up at seven and he takes me into the woods, im scared he is gonna kill me but i trust him, after walking about 2 minutes we come across a little love shack kinda thing
"awhh its so cute"
"i thought you would like it"
i give him puppy dog eyes and he grabs my hand and ISTG i felt a SPARK fly between us.
we start walking out of the woods and he drops me off at home but he could hear the yelling from inside so he takes he back to his apartment, his dad is letting him stay there so he csn get out of the house because, i mean he has 5 siblings and his dad is exploiting him for views. i sit down on the couch and get a message from katie
im kinda at adams apartment..
but before i could respond adam comes in the room
"did you want to watch a movie or something? "its getting kinda late i should prolly get home im sorry, i just dont want my mom to worry"
"oh yeah i totally understand, let me at least take you home ok?"
"yea sure"
i smile. we start walking to the car, as were driving we see a ton of police heading towards my house but we didnt think anything of it.
we get to my house and it's SURROUNDED by police card, an ambulance, fire trucks. you name it. i see a stretcher come out with a white sheet over it i start to tear up bc i thought it was my step dad but i see him come out in hand cuffs...i start to breakdown and i fall to the ground but adam catches me he hold me close and whispers
"its going to be ok"
the police come over to me and adam and she speaks in a rude ass tone to me
"who are you? what are you doing here this is a crime scene little girl!"
"im laura l/n's daughter and im 17?"
"oh im so sorry! i thought you were a bystander! anyways im so sorry for your loss but do you have anywhere to stay for the night? we cant have you at home because we have to investigate the scene"
"um n-"
adam interjects
"yes she does, she will be staying with me"
"ok then i just want to make sure your all right, well call you in the morning if necessary"
i continue crying all the way back to adams apartment it was about 8:00 by the time we got home and neither of us have eaten dinner so adam picks up chipotle and we sit on the couch
"im so sorry about what happened to your mom"
"its ok she wasnt ever really in my life, she barely ever talked to me or even interacted with me"
"damn thats rough,"
i sigh and finish eating my chipotle then go to the bathroom to brush my teeth i come out and he is sitting on the couch texting his friend
"do you want to watch a scary movie?"
"oh yea sure let me just finish real fast"
i wait less than 5 seconds for him to finish typing, he makes me feel like is main priority
"im gonna go grab some blankets, ill be right back"
"ok "
he left his phone open of the coffee table and i start to read the messages
"what im kinda busy"
"ok so this girl i met at school is staying at my house tonight bc something really sad happened but anyways she is staying at my house and she is 1929291/10 😌 on the funny,beautiful/gorgeous scale she is perfect she has a great personality. i think im in love with her 🥺"
"dude make your move!"
"were about to watch a movie so maybe i will then?"
"ok igtg but i will talk to you later"
i was filled with joy for the first time since this traumatic night started he can back just in time with the blankets and we put on a really scary movie 13 minutes in there is a jump scare and i snuggle up to adam on accident for a shield
"sorry, i got scared"
"its ok, i dont mind it"
i snuggle up to adam and i could feel his boner through his grey sweat pants. i think he wore them on purpose bc before we was wearing jeans. the movie finished and we went back to the bed room so he could get me a pillow
"you know im kinda scared to sleep alone, i get scared really easily"
i think i made a pretty good move ngl
"hold on"
he take off his shirt and pushes me on the bed
"scared now"
in my head i was like ADAM we start making out but i interrupt right as he started talking off my shirt
"Uhm Adam?
"yeah? is everything ok?"
"yea everything is fine its just,"
"its just what?"
"im a virgin...i havent lost my virginity or even had my first kiss before you. i just thought you should now bc no one ever likes me or anything so i dont really have a chance too till now, i hope its ok"
he kisses me on my neck and gives me major hickeys all over my hips, thighs, and neck
he whispered
"perfectly fine, ill go slow"
he unclasped my bra and pulls me in close.
"im so insecure so sorry if im being awkward"
"its fine to be insecure it's perfectly normal, i know you don't believe it but your beautiful, ever since i laid my eyes on you i knew i wanted you all to my self"
i start to unbuckle his belt and zip down his pants i see his boner and his penis is 9 inches long i- he starts slowly inserting it after i had taken off my white lace panties, i start playing with his hair
"damn your so tight"
"is that a bad thing, if so
im sorry."
"not even close thats really good and you shouldn't be sorry for something your body cant control"
"hey adam?"
"yea?" he says while going deeper
"um idk if i should say this to you because your afraid of me getting attached, idk if you think of this as a one night stand or want me to be your girlfriend"
"what is it and i'll tell you" he pauses while inside of me
"I love you"
it just kinda popped out but i dont really regret it
"i love you too, y/n. i do want you to be my girlfriend"
i continue playing with his hair smiling and it just slips in like a key, he pulls out than goes back in faster and faster each time, the best part is he starts playing with my clit at the same time i scream his name
suddenly im filled with his warm liquid
"dont worry we'll get a plan b in the morning"
i kiss him on his forehead and go to the bathroom to clean myself up i come back and he is fast asleep so i snuggle next to him and he grabs my ass like a stuffed animal we both then fall asleep in peace

New chat from Adam🥺💕🤍

hey baby im at dutchbros do you want anything?
no thanks 🥺
ok i love you
i love you too
"Y/N IM BACK" i can tell he is by the from door, im naked so throw on one of his old band tees and head out by the kitchen
he says smiling, he gives me a kiss of the forehead
"so you said you didnt want anything but i got you a muffin top and an iced chai tea latte"
"awhh babyyy"
"anyways i was thinking we could go to the park today?"
"yea sure! but i need to go back to my house to get my clothes and stuff"
"yk what lets just go to the mall and get you clothes for my house? throw on your old clothes and lets roll"
"babyy" i give him puppy dog eyes and put on my old clothes, on the way to the car we hit a speed bump, or what we thought was a speed bump, adam lived in an apartment in a very quiet neighborhood where nobody was ever outside but this time someone was, we got out of the car and saw a middle aged man passed out probably with a few broken bones.
"oh my god Adam what do we do!"
"umh, grab his arms"
i hesitated
i grabbed his arms and we put him in the trunk, we didnt know how to despose of the body but we thought we would just dump him in the lake we drove 14 miles over to the biggest lake in Idaho.
"ok y/n grab his legs and i'll grab his arms and on the count of three we will throw him in, ok"
a big splash hits the gravel road and us,
"ok what do we do now, y/n?"
"do it again"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2020 ⏰

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