Chapter 1

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"Alright, who's excited for summer?!" Biana excitedly exclaimed to the group of teens sitting in Fitz's room. Linh, Tam, Sophie, Fitz, Keefe, Marella, and Dex whooped in excitement, thrilled to have finished school that day and get a few months of fun in the sun.

Sophie groaned then, a thought occuring. "But what is there to do? I mean, this summer should be the best ever, but how should we spend it?" The group thought for a few minutes, each starting to say something and then either remembering that they'd already done that, it wasn't fun, or it just wouldn't work out.

However, Keefe smirked and dug something out of his pocket, saying, "Well, I might have an idea...." He showed the blue crystal with yellow undertones to the group, and the whole group looked at him with different reactions.

"Keefe!" Sophie angrily yelled his name as he smirked. "I can't believe that you would do that!"

Sophie's frown deepened as he explained himself, her face slowly turning into a very red tomato.

Keefe shrugged. "Well, Foster, you wanted a memorable, exhilarating, and spontaneous summer. What better way to do it then in the human world, where new adventures await?"

Fitz laughed, high-fiving Keefe. "I like the way you think, bro!"

Dex smiled a bit at the prospect of being included in a group activity, and not being forgotten. "I'm in." He replied his dimples flashing as his grin became wider.

Biana smiled, jumping up in excitement. "Oh, I am so in! What about you two?" She asked the twins.

Linh nodded, giving her a thumbs up, and Tam just flicked his bangs back, mumbling, "Whatever Linh wants, I don't care."

Keefe playfully bumped into the grumpy boy, telling him, "Lighten up, Bangs Boy! This'll be awesome!"

Tam just glared at the ground as Keefe looped an arm around Tam's shoulders. Grunting, Tam turned away.

Sophie tried to snatch the crystal from Keefe, but Keefe saw and twirled, evading her. "Tut, tut, Foster, why so mad?" Keefe joked.

Rolling her eyes, Sophie snapped, "Keefe, you stole that! We have to return it! And we can't just go to the human world!"

"You yourself said you wanted a memorable, fun summer, Soph. We won't be caught, and even if we get in trouble, it'll be so worth it. Who's ready to have the best summer ever?" Biana exclaimed, putting her hand on the crystal, the others following suit. They looked like a team huddling up, with their hands in the middle before a game.

Everyone looked at Sophie, who sighed and said, "Alright, let's do this!" Putting her hand in the middle, they smiled as the light whisked the teens away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2020 ⏰

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