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The days were seemingly longer during the past week, if that were even possible. The temperature was only dropping, the likelihood of being freed from school for midterm was minimal and Mark was still stuck wearing summer-weight pyjamas.

This one night in particular appeared to be a little more forgiving, though. Donghyuck hadn't risen from his bed, and the clock had already struck two in the morning. The ravenette was off the hook for the remainder of the night, and took it very willingly.

His body was starting to punish him for not taking sleep when he was given it, lately. During the day, he would suffer through immense headaches, sore eyes, and of course, went about in a generally lethargic manner. It was blatantly obvious that he couldn't blame insomnia anymore.....though his friends had no idea what else was at play.

Sliding his legs over his mattress and hobbling over to the door, Mark took one long-lasting look over his shoulder at Donghyuck. The younger was very much asleep, and it assured him that leaving wouldn't create unsolvable problems.

Opening the heavy wooden door and letting it restfully click shut behind him, the teen creeped across the decrepit floors that screamed under his average weight. He was sure at least one person on his floor had to have heard him, but nobody stirred and he made it to the staircase without a hitch.

His main focus was reaching the small lobby on the ground floor that consisted of three couches, two armchairs and an old fashioned fireplace. People usually spent their time there when the weather was too extreme to leave the dorm building. Though this time, Mark just wanted a quiet place to clear his mind.

The roaring sounds of a snowstorm outside sent goosebumps trailing up and down his bare legs. Snow was pelting down against the windows, the noise echoing around the stone formed building.

Once Mark stepped off the staircase and padded into the small sociable space, he was expecting it to be utterly empty.....yet it wasn't.

Amidst the darkness of the shadows, sat on the end of one couch, was a boy. His features were blacked out due to the lack of light, though Mark could clearly make out the distinct shape of one leg folded over the other and straight posture.

Ugh, I thought everyone would've been asleep, the black haired boy inwardly tsked, taking a step back to ascend the stairs once more. Disregarding the deafening silence, a throat clearance was heard. The dark stranger was informing Mark that he didn't mind company.

"Sit," he hummed nonchalantly, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees and clasped his hands. "I don't bite."

That's what all serial killers say, the younger thought, chewing the wall of his cheek before deciding that this was a school setting and that there was no way he'd be axed down tonight.

𝗽𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗸; markhyuck Where stories live. Discover now