What if Patrick Swayze Was a Ghost?

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If you're like me, you love Patrick Swayze with all your heart. If you're like me, you also wonder why him, of all people, had to die at such a young age. He was well loved, and had a good fortune. Why must he die? Well, I don't have an answer for you. But if you're also like me, unless it is the future when you read this and the 2020 pandemic is over, we are in a world-wide crisis, and there is a very tiny 0.5% that you are glad Swayzeboy is dead because he didn't have to go through this terrible thing, making it a risk at the age he would've been in. There are some things I'd like to ask, though.

Patrick Swayze opened up our eyes when we watched Ghost. It really makes us wonder if the people that die are watching us, standing right there, and waiting to be noticed. This is why I don't think widows should marry a second time. Well, what if Patrick Swayze himself is a ghost. You would think by now people would know, though, because he got training for the train ghost on how to move things. But what if he truly was here, maybe he's watching over my shoulder right now as I type this, saying, "Yes! Yes! That's right! I'm here!" Maybe he's watching over your shoulder as you read this, saying, "Believe what this person says! It's all true!" I'm a pretty huge believer of the supernatural stuff, and I believe in reincarnation as well, so this may be why I'm rambling on about this, but what if it's true?

I had two dreams before where I actually met Patrick Swayze himself. I even got his autograph in the dream. I wondered after I woke up, what if it's his ghost speaking to me? Now, I'm just a kid that didn't know one thing about this man until 2019, but in that year, I learned a lot about this man, and I know there's still a lot to learn about him. I go around the house quoting him, saying, "Nobody puts Baby in a corner," or "Ditto", or "I can't even call the cops because you two would be thrown into a boy's home so fast it'd make your head spin." What the heck, I know this would be a waste of time for whoever reads this, but just take a moment and wonder, what if Patrick Swayze is here?

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