Chapter One: The Die.

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INT. Jose's Basement - MidDay

The group are all hanging out at Jose's house, Noah acting like a typical bitch.

Jose drops his bag of chips on the floor, and it slides under the couch he's sitting on

Noah - "Great job, dumbass."

Jose leans down to grab his bag of chips from the floor, when he feels a square-shaped object instead of a bag.

Jose - "What in the frickety fuck?"

Jose pulls a singular die out from underneath the couch, all sides of the dice are plain white, but a golden border around all edges.

Will - "What the hell is that?"

Jose - "I'm not sure.. just looks like a stupid dice."

Noah - "Well i want it. Give it here."

Noah stands up, and crouches- preparing to lunge at Jose.

Jose - "You aren't getting this dice, big boy."

Will - "Alright guys, just calm down- we can all take a tur-"

Will is cut off by Noah lunging at Jose and slapping him upside his dumb fucking head.

Noah yoinks the fucking dice out of Jose's retarded fucking hand.

Noah - 'Gimmie that shit!"

Jose - "Fuck you retarded fat boi"

During the commotion, the dice is dropped, bouncing off of the couch, and onto the floor.

Gavin enters the room through a staircase in the corner.

Gavin - "Hey guys i was just-  FLAPPING FLOTSAM WHATS THAT!"

The die starts to leak light out of the corners as it settles on the floor, and a message styled in comic sans appears above the die reading "Gun".

Noah - "Holy shit what the fuck-"

Will - "awe fuckin shit."

A 1911 handgun slowly materializes into Noahs hand, loaded and cocked. He immediately points it at Gavin who was standing on the staircase, and fires a shot through his head.

Gavins body drops down the stairs like a bag of sand off a cliff and starts to leak blood.

Noah - " Oh FUCK yeah!"

Everyone else gasps.

Jose - "Holy fuck you just killed gavin!"

Will - "Noah what the fuck did you just do!?"

Noah - "I killed that little bitch boy, didn't you hear about him stealing my cookies before that nigga john killed us?"

Will - "Give me that fucking die, there has to be something that can help him."

Will picks up the die, and promptly rolls it across the floor. 

Noah tucks the gun into his waistband and pats it. 

The dice bounces a couple times before settling and the words "Reincarnation Time" appears above.

Noah - "Reincar what now?"

Gavins body starts shaking and pouring light out of every hole before his shape changes into a 6'9 black man named Terry.

Gavin - "I'm back niggas."

The Dice Of FateWhere stories live. Discover now