Chapter 1- Meeting the Father

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"Hello, is this Taylor Andrews, daughter of Tiffany Andrews?" I feel worry start to build up as i hear the words the unfamiliar caller is saying to me.

"Y-yes..... and who is this?"

"This is the Mercy East Hospital. We're going to need you to come up here now please." I can already feel the tears well up in my eyes as I hop in my car and rush towards the hospital with multiple different scenarios play in my head as to why i am being called up there and my brain settles on the worst one.

She's dead. I can feel it.

I pull into the hospital parking lot and rush to the front desk asking where my mother is. They reply with a simple "Room 316, West wing." I rush to the elevator and hurriedly press the buttons taking me up to the third floor where my mother is supposedly located.

I quickly locate the room and before i go in a doctor stops me. "I'm afraid we have some bad news.... Your mother was in a fatal car accident and she didn't make it." As the words come out of his mouth i immediately start bawling and my wolf whimpers from inside me. I have no one now..

I wake up crying and look around at my surroundings. I'm in my own bed still but that will all be taken from me after today. Today is the day of the funeral. I solumnly get up and get in my shower and when i'm done i dress in my nicest black dress that stops above my knees and i slip on my nice black heels and decide to let my hair down and have no makeup on because i already know that i'm just going to cry it all off.  My mother was the only person i had in my life and now she's gone.

Beep.        Beep.

That has to be Kelsy. She's the only person that knows about me and my story. She knows what i am and she is still my bestfriend. I decided that she is the only person that i trust to drive me to my mother's funeral. 

We slowly arrive and i already have tears welling up in my eyes. I don't know if i'll be able to handle it. 

"K-Kelsy?" I stutter not trusting myself to say anymore as i look at her and she smiles weakly in reassurance.

"It'll be okay, love. I promise." She grabs my hand and gives it a tight squeeze before opening her car door and walking around to open mine as well.

"Where am i going to g-go Kels? Th-they'll kill me. I'm a r-rogue now." I shiver at the word rogue.

"I don't know Tay.. I don't know. I would say you could live with me but you know my parents aren't quite that fond with you." She looks at me with guilt in her eyes.

We start to walk up to where my mother lays pale yet still beautiful. She has a large wound with stitches in it on her head and i can feel my wolf start to take over and my eyes start to turn black. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I see my father and i stare at him in disgust as he leans closer to me and whispers something in my ear.

"Not here. There's too many humans." He pulls away from me and even though I hate this man for leaving me and my mother and having her last few years on this Earth full of missery I hug him tight. I feel him hug me back.

I look up at him. "What am I going to do James?" I say his name with disgust. "I'm a rogue now. I have no pack." He looks at me with understanding in his eyes but the emotion is gone as fast as it came and it makes his eyes cold as he stares at me blankly.

"Well, daughter, since I am the alpha of my pack I can let you join if you would like?" He says this softly, his voice full of care, as a father should sound.

I simply nod my head and hug him. "Thank you. Wh-when will we leave, Alpha?" Tears well up in my eyes once again, not out of sadness but out of happiness.

He looks at a nice watch sitting on his wrist and he says "Now. We want to be back to the pack house before sunset."

I nod and turn and give Kelsy a hug and tell her a quick goodbye as i leave the funeral home with my father. "what about my stuff?" I say.

He doesn't even look at me as he replies in a monotone voice "I sent my beta to get them." We get into his car and we drive for about 2 hours and he suddenly stops the car and looks at me saying "We will have to shift and run from here. Vehicles can't travel past this point." I nod and climb out of his car and hide behind a tree as i quickly strip and shift.

My father stares at my wolf in amazement. I don't blame him, my wolf is gorgeous. My wolf is slightly large, in a powerful way, with pure white fur every except for my paws and the tip of my tail which is black, I have beautiful gray eyes with specks of gold in them and my fur is so soft. He shifts as well, his wolf being much larger than mine because he is an alpha. His wolf is Dark brown with white paws and a black tipped tail and he has golden eyes.

We ran for about 15 minutes until the pack house came into view and i just stop and stare in amazement. I once again hide behind a tree shifting back into my human form. I'm not an ugly human. I am about 5'6 with chocolate brown hair with black tips that reaches down to the small of my back in waves, I have bright green eyes, I'm tan, and I'm thin with curves in all the right places. 

We walk into the pack house and immediately all eyes are on me and i blush and look down. I hear someone yell "Rogue!" and another person yells "Why is the bitch even here?!" and many more comments.

My father lets out a deep growl warning them that if he hears another comment like that then they will be punished. "Everyone, this is my daughter, Taylor, and I expect you all to treat her with your upmost respect. Do you hear me?!" I see everyone flinch and nod scared of what might happen if they disagree. 

"Good. Now, everyone get ready. The White Shadow pack will be joining us tonight for this special occasion of my daughter joining our pack." Everyone reluctantly starts to disappear to get ready for the celebration. My father turns to me and tells me to go get ready and to look nice because i might be meeting my  mate tonight.


I look at myself in the mirror and smile admiring myself. I deicided to wear a grey sweater with black leggings, a light pink scarf, a beanie, and my uggs. (A/N outifit on the side -->) I curled my hair and put on liquid eyeliner that wings out, mascara, and light pink lip gloss. 

My father calls us all down for a quick pack meeting before the White Shadow pack shows up. He tells us that this pack is the most dangerous in the U.S. and that we need to especially look out for their alpha because he's ruthless. I can already feel myself getting anxious. My father tells us that the only reason why their coming is because they're our biggest allies. 

He dismisses us just as the doorbell rings signaling that they have arrived. The beta walks in first and I stay far away from their entire pack and decide to get some punch before I am forced to be social with the most dangerous pack ever. 

I walk over to the punch table and poor myself a drink and I hear my wolf going crazy in the back off my mind.

Mate. GO find mate. Mate is here. 

I dismiss my wolf and put up a wall so I won't have to deal with her nonsense. She's been doing this for a few months now and i'm tired of it. I go to turn around and bump into a wall, a very warm and now wet wall.

"What the h- I mean i'm so sorry. I didn't mean to spill my punch all over you. I'm so clumsy. I'm so sorry. please forgive me. Pl-" I'm interrupted suddenly as I hear his booming voice. 

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