•°A normal day

10 5 0

Jean lives the normal school girl life. Though, her parents left this world at her tender age of 12. She was all alone, bored and alone.


She signed as she grabbed her purse, her grocery bag in her hand as she moved out of the small studio apartment.

The humongous, heavy clouds looked too ready to drench everyone below it with a hailstorm. People were scampering throughout the streets, bidding their customers goodbye and shutting down the shop shutters and residents, their doors.

The dimly lit street once and for all lost it's minute brightness when the scarce street lights switched off as the power was cut. Jean, being the very brave girl she was, proceeded to speed walk towards the only supermarket still running, providing its customers with supplies.

Cereal box....a can of beans and...done! Jean mentally imagined to clap her hands at her quick shopping.

Though, she didn't know one thing.

A man clad in a joker suit stood behind her, a canon camera slung around his neck. If anyone saw him, they'd immediately lose their dignity and laugh at the odds.

A joker, with a camera. How hilarious was the image?

His makeup was red and green, a thick foundation of white on his skin making him look like a perfect mannequin.

His name was Han.
No. Not Han Solo.

Just Han.

He was an orphan. His parents abandoned the little child when he was just two days old.

People in his orphanage believed he was some kind of a joke. He was a mistaken product of a rich man and his mistress. His life was believed to be a joke, everyone made fun of him.

'You are such a joke man! Look at you! So pale!'

'Oh my god! The joker has arrived!'

'Hey! Where's your Harley Quinn?'

'Why don't you just die? You weren't meant to be born anyway'

Han was used to it by now.

Han slowly raised his camera and took a shot of the lady. He smiled creepily at the candid picture.

Yes. He is Jean's stalker.
More like...admirer.

They go to the same campus of Hogsmeade (Hello Potterheads).
He was a year older than the lady who was in junior year.

Han always fantasized about Jean in the lost peculiar of ways.

He wanted to pet her.

He wanted her to be on her all fours and beg for attention. Look desperate for a meal, get into heats and he would never be alone again.

The thing which he didn't ever grasp through the years of stalking is that she is not that woman who is afraid. She's brave, courageous and confident. There's nothing this world can offer her which makes her scared.
Not even her little stalker joker.

If anything, Han knew this is the perfect opportunity he needed to abduct the woman. He had a sinister smile on his lips, his facade that of a psych.

He really is....Neurotic.

Slow and steady steps.
He reached his prey.

Jean felt the presence behind her back and turned to give the unusual stranger a smile. Though, she couldn't make out the familiar face of Han which was hidden behind the white paint.

"We need to rush with our shopping mister. It looks ugly outside" she smiled at him and went back to picking the product and placing in her basket.

"It does..." he mumbled, his voice becoming unfamiliar with the small intensity of the murmur.

You furrow your brows to the murmur. Hmm...sounds....


Before you know it, the man blows powder into your face. To your greatest dismay, there's none, not a single soul to help you. You eventually lose your consciousness, a tear slipping out of your eye because you were scared.

You hated the way you were losing your self control over your body, your hands and legs now moving according to his will.

You walked out of the shop, murmuring things which didn't make any sense, though your mind was frustrated at that point of time. Your organs weren't listening to it, neither was your consciousness.

And slowly...You drift out of reality.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2020 ⏰

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