There once was a piece of pie in the fridge named Ryan. Ryan was in the fridge for a couple of days when another piece of pie had joined him. Ryan tried to avoid contact with him but then..., "hiii! My name is Brendon, what's your name?" He asked " name is Ryan." Ryan said. "Ryan. That's a cute name" Brendon sighed. "Ummmm...thanks?" Ryan said confused. "What will happen when we are eaten?" Brendon asked, "I guess we can just hope for the best." Ryan sighed. Brendon sighed too, "I mean I've heard from my friends at the store that some of the lucky pies that they turn into those human things." Ryan said trying to lighten the mood of depressing matter. "Well if that's true then I would like to be one of them cuz they don't have to be eaten do they? No! And I wouldn't like to be eaten ether but now we both have to be eaten in order not to be eaten again? Life is so confusing." Brendon said giving up. "Well at least we have each other." Ryan stated. "Ya and your pretty hot so I think we are even with the world." Brendon said as Ryan blushed furiously.