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With Trigon defeated and the world returned to normal , Raven flies back down to the ground, Starfire: Raven that was...  That was unbelievable said Cyborg . No... It wasn't , somebody believed said Raven as she hugged Robin . Welcome back said Robin , suddenly Raven kissed Robin which shocked everyone even Robin himself. Raven I never knew you felt that way said Robin as he was blushing, You've never asked she said with a light chuckle, Starfire looked sad but understand there was something between Robin and Raven, Ok you're freaking me out here, the white robe and smile are weird enough but hugs??? Are you still you??? Asked Beast Boy. Blue is still my favorite color and don't get used to the smile cuz you're still not funny said Raven. Huh? Raven! said Beast Boy as he jumped and hugged Raven . Quit it said Raven as everyone else was smiling. Back at Titans tower.... Alright y'all four eyes is history, the ghoulies is gone and we'd just save the whole dang universe!!! , so who wants french toast ? asked Cyborg. Oh yes me please , I shall consume it with gravy and the butter of peanuts said Starfire. And I got enough tofu bacon for everybody who wants it said Beast Boy. So... Just enough for you ? Asked Cyborg . Exactly said Beast Boy as Starfire took the Tofu bacon from Beast Boy's plate. Observe I am a Whorfian Zobgar said Starfire giggling . Cyborg and Beast Boy looking at Starfire with blank expressions on their faces, On my planet this is hilarious said Starfire. Suddenly  Cyborg and Beast Boy look at each and busted out laughing while Starfire continues to act like a Whorfian Zobgar, Robin is looking for Slade on a mini scanner, Slade got away ? asked Raven. If he ever shows his face again... We'll be ready said Robin. How do you do it Robin? Asked Raven. Do what ? asked Robin. Keep hoping , after everything that happened... After everything I did... How did you did manage to hope that it all work out ? asked Raven. Because of you, you don't realize it Raven but you're actually the most hopeful person I've ever met, from the day you were born, they said you were evil, that you were created to do unspeakable things but you wished for more, you dared to hope that you could be a hero said Robin. I thought it was all over and now suddenly said Raven. You got your whole life ahead of you, you can decide your own destiny said Robin. I guess... In the end there really is no end just new beginnings as she grabbed Robin's hand and said so what's the deal are we having a party in here or not? Raven asked. Glorious said Starfire while Cyborg and Beast Boy smile and laugh while Robin and Raven hold hands and walked together to the others to celebrate the earth being saved. The end.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2020 ⏰

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