kidnapped; han

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Taehyung fucking hated it, despised it. If it was a person Taehyung would've been gone to jail for murder, and yet, here he was, thinking of shit to do instead.

There wasn't much besides pick up a cookbook maybe but that was Jin's job not his so he chose against it and plopped on the living room couch a minute later when said male sped walked out of his room in his nurse attire, quickly grabbing his phone and throwing Taehyung a smile as he slid out the door.

Why did Taehyung think Jin would want to chill out? Of course the nurse was needed at the hospital, if the Corona wasn't contagious Taehyung wouldn't be stuck at home after all.

Suddenly, an idea came to the brunette's mind. A stupid, dangerous idea.

His neighbor had moved out a couple months ago due to something Taehyung had did- whoops- and now there was a female who had threatened him as soon as she saw him outside of his room.

Taehyung had just finished his breakfast, albeit slowly since he was still quite stuffy from his allergies when he decided going to the cafe down the street would be a safe haven from whatever it was that Jin kept bringing back to the apartment that got him all runny nose and things.

As he was locking the door he was bumped into quite violently and when the keys dropped and he went to pick them up, a black heel stepped on his finger making him Yelp and move away. His eyes filled with tears that he seriously could not control, and the woman in front of him scowled.

" I know who you are, Kim Taehyung! Do anything funny and I'll have you chained to a basement somewhere!"

Taehyung only stared, shoulders sagging. He was already having a bad day, now this.

" Can I just get my keys? I really don't feel like doing this today." He sighed, knowing he sounded quite literally done with life but apparently the girl took offense and stepped on his shoes harshly making Taehyung double over.

" I don't care about your feelings! Do not touch, look, or even speak in my general direction!"

Taehyung still didn't respond, getting his keys silently as locking the door as the girl kept throwing insults his way. He tried to ignore, he really did, that is until she screamed he was a faggot.

That made him stop, memories flooding back to him of his abusive ex and suddenly he was crying and there was another person beside the girl- a boy, who was pushing her into the room and approaching him.

" I'm-"

" N-No it's fine, I know I'm a faggot, I know." He mumbled and turned, speeding off quickly before the other could say anything.

After that every time he saw the girl she'd give him an apologetic look but he'd only avoid her at all costs, same going for the devilishly handsome boy that was with her occasionally. He knew the two were purposely going out when he did, hoping to catch him off guard, but he changed his non-existent schedule four times, every time, until they eventually gave up. Or so he thought.

Today was a safe day because the girl wasn't home and Taehyung wants to prank her. So he sets everything up, fleeing the scene right after.

He walked to the cafe down the street, as planned, and sat near the windows up front so he could sketch drawings of the snow and the people walking outside.

For some reason he loved to people watch, loved seeing their emotions and adventures through the glass and perspective of another who knew nothing about them. It was like an incomplete mystery, romance, horror, and comedy movie all in one and Taehyung was completely in love with the concept of it all.

" Hey, can I sit here?" Asked a familiar voice, a very familiar voice.

Taehyung looked to the person speaking, eyes practically bulging when he actually cared to pay attention to the male he had met on a whim just over a month ago.

" Oh, umm, sure." Taehyung replies, smiling shyly and blushing a bit as he returns to gazing out the window and drawing. He gets so into it he doesn't see the the male is solely paying attention to him and nothing else.

" We met before, but my name is Jeon Jungkook by the way. The girl that umm... You know.. insulted you, is my sister Jisoo. I hope she didn't offend you too bad. We've been trying to apologise for weeks."

Taehyung jumped a little, forgetting the other was there before shrugging and returning to drawing." It's fine, it just made me remember that my ex used to call me that a lot. And I've been trying to avoid the both of you so a scenario like that wouldn't have to come up again but, hey, here we are." Taehyung knew he sounded like a dickhead but he honestly couldn't help his tone, he just wanted to be honest. It was quiet after that and Taehyung looked up to find Jungkook already looking at him, a smirk on his lips once he realized he had been caught in the act.

Now that Taehyung was staring back, he could see that the other had his eyebrows pierced along with his lips that looked so red and plump and so, so kissable. And the turtleneck he was wearing outlined his muscles fiercely, making Taehyung's throat go dry.

" See something you like, babe?"

Taehyung sputtered, turning bright red, eyes widening as he quickly looked back down, ignoring the low chuckles from beside him. He tried to focus, he really did, but peeking up at Jungkook who was watching him like a hawk was a distraction all on its own. He felt like he was being fucked into his mattress roughly, close to orgasming, and Jungkook knew just what to do to take him over the edge.

Suddenly Jungkook's phone ring and he groaned, still watching Taehyung who felt heavily influenced, dick twitching in interest when said male let out a long sigh as he hung up.

" My sister just got back and her door won't open or something. See you later, okay?"

Taehyung just nodded, biting his lips as he watched him leave.

" Taehyung, please tell me you weren't just having eye sex in my cafe with the jeon jungkook."

Taehyung blushed again, shaking his head violently as he squeezed his legs closed." No hyung, I was not having eye sex with Jungkook! I barely know him!"

" And yet your dick is already in love." Chuckles Hoseok, combing his blonde hair to the side with his fingers as he checked his phone that had beeped.

Taehyung whined, biting his lip harder.

" Go home Tae. Your going to need the rest." Hoseok said, now sounding serious.

Taehyung rolled his eyes, ignoring the warning underneath the subtle order. He brushed the entire thing off as Hoseok being worried about his allergies, agreeing to go home anyways.

But when he entered the apartment something felt strangely off, like something bad was about to happen and he just didn't know what. Or was the sleep paralysis talking again? He hadn't had an issue ever since he was nine but there was still that tiny possiblity.

" Sorry about this, Taehyung."

Taehyung's eyes widened and he began to turn around, but stopped when everything suddenly went black and he felt both light and heavy at the same time.

He heard shuffling and more than one voice, but that all sounded like mumbling as he went in and out of consciousness when suddenly, he heard nothing. He felt less than zero pounds and his vision was simply black and he was feeling sleepier by the second.

He passed out.

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