This is my first and probably last fanfiction..
A continuation after 7x05...
After Octavia told Echo, Hope and Gabriel the news that Bellamy has been killed, and that Echo has murdered one the disciples, Hope goes to Echo and tries calms her down as best as she could. Hope immediately holds onto Echo and whispers in her ear and tells her that everything will be okay although Echo still is raging from the incident, Echo in the inside can't exactly figure out why she is truly feeling this way. Hope often wonders why is Bellamy so important to her and why Echo loved him despite her affection to Bellamy being so misleading throughout the five years she has known her. Hope proceeds to calm Echo down by holding her around her shoulders tenderly, but Octavia then tells Hope, Echo and Gabriel that they all need to get out of the room where the murder has occurred. When they all ran out, the group ends up splitting up. Octavia goes with Gabriel to try to break the security system and to find a exit out of the building, while Echo and Hope try to find Diyoza even though they might think she's not alive, they still risk finding her. At the end of the hall, Echo and Hope find in front of them a big metal door which is unlocked by Levitt because he knew about the plan. They move ahead and walk into the darkened room where they figure out that room holds numerous prison cells. The prisoners then quietly warn them that they need to be completely silent otherwise they will be caught and arrested. Echo and Hope soon discover Diyoza in one of the cells, and she notices her daughter, beginning to shed tears. Diyoza then tells Hope that she missed her so much and wishes she was there when she grew up. As much as she wanted to speak more to her mother, Hope concentrated on breaking her out of her cage because they were short on time. Hope wanted to communicate to her mom in much more stable place rather in the cell room. They notice the cells are distinct from any other cell would be. These cells are modified and have number codes to unlock them. They think of essential numbers and patterns, but fail each time they try to find out the correct code. The disciples discover that somebody was busting into one of the cells and a few of them teleport to the room to arrest Hope and Echo for trying to unlock Diyoza's cell and for committing murder. Shortly, the disciples knock both of them out by inserting a large needle into them. After hours past, they wake up and they both feel a bit of relief when they find out that they have their cells next to each other. Hope is thankful that at this moment she has Echo alongside her because she wants someone to give her comfort as she is once again separated from her mother. Echo sits at the back of the cell and reflects back when she and Bellamy were in the space ring experiencing their first kiss. She recognizes that those feelings weren't real and glares with disappointment at Hope. Echo shifts where Hope is lying, and moves beside her. "Look Hope, I messed up and I shouldn't have been with Bellamy." "I want you." With their backs on the cell wall, Hope leans more towards Echo and holds her hands. "Echo, I don't know what I'd do without you in the five years we've been stuck together on Skyring". "It was almost like it was fate, I believe that we were mean't for eachother". Due to Echo's loyalty to Bellamy, she concealed her feelings for Hope, but eventually realizes it shouldn't be that way. She was also just worried about who she might obey because Spacekru's leader, Bellamy isn't in her life any longer and she was afraid of becoming independent. Suddenly, that all changed when she fell for Hope. Echo's heart was in the right place for once and she witnessed so much warmth and devotion when she was around her. Echo then leans in and tries to kiss Hope's cheek as both are in the cell. Hope blushes and tightly hugs Echo after. Meanwhile, Octavia and Gabriel have managed to figure out how to break the security system and now Echo and Hope can escape out of the cell. The other prisoners quickly run out of the jail as well, including Diyoza. This happening at Bardo causes tons of chaos within the plot. The end.

The Confession - Echope Fanfiction
Science FictionA fanfiction where I make a prediction about what will happen in 7x06. I heard that there will be a Becho flashback from their first kiss, but I make a Echope twist on it ;)