Chapter one: Arrival

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I do not own The Seven Deadly Sins.

The sins had all been working themselves ragged this passed week trying to make sure everything was in order for the coming festival. It always brought in the most money, but also was the busiest time of year for them; meaning it was always very tiring and a lot of work to keep running, especially without everyone there.

Merlin had mysteriously disappeared a few days beforehand, but they weren't worried since she always "went missing" a few days before a big event. It just meant a lot more work for everyone else, and a lot more aches and pains. Everyone was currently resting after making sure the place was spotless- well- all except for the captain.

Regardless of what Hawke usually said about him not working, the blond actually put more effort into keeping the place clean than anyone.

"Captain, are you sure you don't want to get some rest? You've been cleaning for the passed hour non-stop."

Meliodas gave his signature grin regardless of the bags under his eyes as he reassured his friend.

"Nope! I'm good, thanks though King. I just want to make sure this gets done in time."

The fairy just sighed and went back to his cup of ale while the captain did the same and went back to his own activities. None of them knew where the captain's endless energy came from, but they all wished that they had some of it.

The group had about another thirty minutes of reprieve before Meliodas put down the rag he used to wipe down tables and began speaking to the sins in a chipper voice.

"Okay! Now, we're opening tonight since a lot of people like to gather a day or two before the actual event begins, but it's really important that you all remember your roles or everything will fall apart, kay?"

They all nodded and his smile got wider.

"Good! Oh and, don't forget not to push yourselves too hard. I can't have my workers out of commission the day of the festival."

All of them were thinking that he needed to take his own advice, but none of them bothered voicing it knowing he wouldn't listen.

"Here's the list for your roles incase any of you forgot from last week. I made it last night after you all went to bed."

It was pretty much a communal thought of "does this man ever sleep" as they all turned their eyes to the board where Meliodas placed the paper written in neat handwriting over the old wanted posters that were now faded and torn.

Blue and orange (Elizabeth and Diane) were waitressing thanks to Merlin's pills, pink (Hawke) was in charge of any spills or messes that needed clean up, red (Ban) was cooking, green (King) was in charge of any chaos that needed to be broken up or complaints from customers that didn't need to be handled by the owner, and yellow (Meliodas) was in charge of bartending and any big issues that couldn't be handled by the others.

"Alright everyone! We open in two hours, think of today as a practice run. And do your best!"

Suddently energized by his enthusiasm, they all yelled their agreement to his words before preparing whatever whatever was left for tonight.

Before any of them knew it, the hours had gone by and turned into mere minutes until they were stampeded with customers. They all had mixed feelings about what they wanted, some of them wanted a slow night while others were practically buzzing with excitement for the rough crowd.

Five more minutes.. three... two... one..

As if on cue, the room was flooded with patrons of all kinds. All interested in one of two things: food, or booze.

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