The Pureblood Dhampir

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Y/N Pov's

It's another day in Cross Academys, right now I'm seeing Yuuki trying to stop the girls from our class to jump of the wall that separates us from the night class, I sigh knowing I had to go there, but luckily Zero comes in time and scares the girls.

"Why didn't you help me Y/N!?" Yuuki cries tired. "I'm didn't feel like it." I say yawning making Yuuki jump at me and hitting my shoulder complaining making me laugh and Zero look at us with a tired look. "You could have help her." He says to me almost smiling. "I could." I say laughing.

I know Zero and Yuki since I was a child, since I was living with Kaien when they came to live with us, but only Kaien and Zero knows my secret, I'm a dhampir, half human, half vampire, not a normal half vampire, but half pure blood even if Zero hates vampires especially pure blood, he respects me because he knew I hadn't a choice in the matter, and he also trusts me enough to also know his secret, poor Yuuki who hadn't a clue about anything, anyway I love my brother and sister and I wouldn't change anything.

Our enjoyment was cut shortly when the night class start leaving their dorm and start walking near us. "HI Y/N! I hear and see Hanabusa waving and smiling at me and I sigh but wave back, unlike Zero I don't mind the vampires but I don't love them either. "Hey Hanabusa." I say back and then see Kaname looking at me. "Hello Yuuki. How are you?" He asks Yuuki making her blush shy and almost hiding behind Zero who was glaring at Kaname. "I'm good and you?" She asks. "I'm good now." He answers her but looks at me while saying that.

"Y/N. You look beautiful today." Kaname says now in front of me taking a piece of my hair and putting behind my ear. " I look like I do every day." I say a little sarcastic pointing to the uniform, but also blushing making Kaname laugh a little. "See you tomorrow Y/N." He says leaving for class leaving me almost with t tomato face.

"KANAME LIKES Y/N!" Yuuki suddenly screams in my ear. "SHUT UP YUUKI!" I scream embarrassed and run after her with her running away from me laughing and Zero sighting tired again but smiles a little while watching us.

"HOW DO YOU RUN SO FAST!?" Yuuki screams when I catch her and put her on my shoulder now walking towards our dormitory with Zero following us. "Zero help me! She's too strong!" Yuuki says laughing. "I can't, she's stronger than me too." Zero says smirking looking at me, only us understanding the joke.

Some weeks had passed in Cross Academy, many things happen, Hanabusa stopped flirting with me, Ruka now started even more glaring at me, the other vampires in the night class started to be closer to me like protecting me but Kanama seems farther and farther giving more attention to Yuuki which makes me sad and Zero very angry.

Then Maria a strong vampire, came to the school and started causing troubles also Zero biology brother are here too so everything is chaos but when I was saving, trying to save Yuuki from Maria, she cut Yuuki enough to drop a little blood making me hungry, I try to control myself, but I was too weak and almost attack Yuuki only to be stopped by Kaname who hit me making me unconscious, the last thing I saw was Yuuki looking at me in shock with Zero holding her.

Then only darkness.

I woke up suddenly sitting up in a couch remembering everything that happen. "It's okay. Everything is okay now." I hear someone saying. I look up and see Kaname that was now hugging me. "I'm sorry. I didn't want to attack her." I say crying. "It's okay." Kaname says kissing my forehead letting me cry on his shoulder.

I cried for thirty minutes maybe more, now me and Kaname are just in silence in his office. "What happen after I passed out?" I ask now looking at him. "I killed Maria and took you here after." He says. "What about..." "Zero took her to Kaien." Kaname says. "Good." I say. "You know I would never let Maria put a hand on you." Kaname says getting closer to me. "I know." I say also getting closer.

And then we kissed.

Only to be interrupted by Yuuki entering the office. "Y/N I know everything now! I want you to know it doesn't change anything and....OH! SORRY!SORRY!" Yuuki says quickly and then leave understanding the situation leaving me and Kaname laugh at her.

Some weeks passed and I was now dating the pure blood Kaname which came some benefits, the day class girls are more afraid of me, the vampires of the night class are closer to me, some by choice some because they have too, but they are all very comfortable around me, Zero doesn't approve but now his relief because he can be with Yuuki now, Kaien fainted when he heard the news everything seems perfect but it's not easy being a dhampir and dating a pure blood, even if I'm also half pure blood.

"A Kuran dating a dhampir. How interesting." Rido says looking at me and Kaname.

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