My Hot Bodyguard

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My hot Bodyguard

Chapter 1



It was really hot in my bedroom, I walked over to the window and opened it a cool breeze coming through. It whipped my long blonde hair behind me. I blinked a few times as the sun shone brightly out side. My eyes were blue just the ocean, or at least that's what my dad had said. I was quite tall about 5 ft 8 and had tanned skin.

I smiled as the waves crashed against the sea. I lived right by a beach, so it was easy to just take a walk and clear my thoughts.

Then the maid walked in with a breakfast on a tray.

"here you are Ms Parker," she smiled.

"I told you, you don't have to call me that, just call me Amelia," I smiled as I took the tray thanking her. Sometimes I wish we didn't have staff to do everything for us, but I guess that's what comes with being one of the richest families in the world.

I ate the pancakes quickly and walked downstairs and washed them up. Today would be a good day for a walk.

I grabbed my hat and headed out to the beach.

Kids were playing and building sand castles and running in the sea laughing, I remember when I was that young. I'm 16 and I'm starting school tomorrow. That why my dad is getting me a new Bodyguard.

"Amelia!" I heard someone yell from behind me. I turned round swiftly and saw my best friend Lucy running towards me.

"Lucy," I said hugging her tightly.

"I've missed you! I've got so much to tell you," she said happily smiling.

We both sat on the beach for a while catching up. It had been the summer and Lucy had been away most of the time.

"There was this boy and he was H-O-T hot," she said giggling. I smiled, even though she rambled on and on.

"so has anything happened to you," she asked.

"oh you know, this and that," I said sighing. The summer was almost over and I hadn't hardly done anything except for lazing about.

"well, you better get back you know what your parents are like," she said standing up and giving me a hand. I took it and she pulled me off the sand.

"yeah your right," I agreed. We both said bye and walked off in opposite directions. Lucy was really pretty, she had short brown hair and big Brown eyes that were adorable, she was about the same height as me. He teeth were as white as snow and she'd smile everyday.

I loved her loads, even though she would ramble on a bit.

The sun was setting, it was the most beautiful sight ever. I took my shoes off and walked through the sand in my bare feet. I started humming a Taylor swift song while walking.


As I got closer to my house I noticed a car I'd never seen before. I wondered whose it could be, maybe the new bodyguard? I continued till I got to my house, I walked through the foyer and to my dads study.

I knocked lightly until I heard my dads deep voice tell me to go in.

I gently opened the door.

"hello Amelia," my dad said. I smiled.

"Hey dad," I said.

"Amelia, this is your new bodyguard," he pointed behind me. I turned around and saw a young man, his emerald eyes staring intently at me, he had shaggy brown hair and full pursed lips.

He looked really young, about 18 or 19, 20 at the most.

"nice to meet you Ms Parker," he said leaning over holding out his hand. I grabbed it.

"Nice to meet you, but you can call me Amelia," I said pulling my hand away.

"Amelia," he said smiling.

"Amelia, could you show Mr Jones to his room?" my dad asked.

"sure," I said.


I walked out the room with him following close behind me.

"There's the kitchen," I said pointing down the corridor "and there's the toilets," pointing in another direction. "you can have a look round after you've unpacked if you want to," I smiled.

We got to his room, I tuned the handle and slowly walked in turning the light on, "what do you think?" I asked.


"perfect," he said smiling straight at me. I looked the other way, I could feel the butterflies fluttering around inside my tummy, how could I feel this way because he looked at me?

I closed the door behind me and walked across to my bedroom. There was no denying he wasn't hot, it's just, your not meant to like someone that's just there to protect you for their job.

It was a job nothing else. My room was spotless, everything neat and tidy just the way I liked it.

The Bodyguard looks so young, usually their old and nearly bald. I laughed at this.

"so what are you laughing at?" I heard a deep manly voice ask.

I turned to see him leaning against the door frame with a smirk and his arms folded.

"oh nothing," I said faking a smile. I sat cross legged on my bed. He came and sat on the edge.

"Mr Jones..." I started.

"call me Ryan," he said smiling.

I think my heart just skipped a beat.

"okay Ryan, what are you doing in my room?" I asked.

"well I thought we could get to know each other, seeing as I'm going to be with you for a while and be around you most of the time," he said staring at me again. His eyes shimmering.

"So Ryan, why did you become a bodyguard, your just so...young?" I said looking up at him.

He chuckled, "well, I dropped out of collage and became one, I got this job, to protect you," he said.

He was here to protect me. He must have a reason for coming and doing this.

"why?" I asked.

He hesitated. There was something my parents and he wasn't telling me.

So this is my first story on Wattpad i hope you like it ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2011 ⏰

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