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Hello, my name is Eva and this the story of my prince charm.

I am Eva, daughter of a merchant who lived in a big village called Eden. I lived a simple and happy morning starts with an music of birds chirps, I used to feed my cattle's and play with them all day, go for shopping, help mom in household activities and I was my father's first treasure. On my 16th birthday, my father bought me an horse, and I named him Chester. I had a young sister alias a little cute monster, with who, I spend my entire day with. My mom is homemaker and she taught me how to see the world in good eyes. To be short, I can say I was their little princess and explorer of my village, but never stepped out of it. I used to go around the village with my Chester and he is my best friend and will share all my dark secrets with him. The neighbors were so sweet and good, I used to play and go out with my friends. I was a brave , bold and charming girl in village born in a golden spoon and got treated as a princess. When we are young, my father used to say stories about Hades village which is situated inside the deep forest and how we are prohibited to enter into it. It is a village of bad and dead people. The village got affected by a dangerous plague who turned all the animals as a monster which kill and drink the blood of humans. To stop the plague from spreading to Eden borders and to help Hades village people Eden warriors went on a rescue mission. But it was so late, even our warriors got affected by it, so king ordered to seal and close the gates of Hades and prohibited the entry to forest. The warriors and the monsters were sealed inside. Me and Eliza used to freak out when we heard this story as kids, but it turned out to be a myth. But, somehow we both managed to dodge our life without entering into forest. To collect water and other important work, we still walk beside the forest road, but have never entered it. Life was so good and calm back then, I grew up as years pass by, I got lot of responsibilities and started to concentrate on my career. According to me the world is so beautiful, colorful,& peaceful , until I met him. One fine morning, I decide to face my fear and stepped out for the village with Chester, when I went far, I saw a beautiful garden and lost my mind in freshness of it, I started playing with Chester it was so fun, the river, waterfall and calm sun, gave me a warmth and cold climate. I began to play nd have fun around, forgetting everything around me. While I was playing so hardly Chester got hurt by stone, which made the horseshoe go loose and he started to bleed. So I decided to take him to my father, who can help him and relive him from pain. And lie about the beautiful place I explored. On my way back outside the village, I saw a him, a young charming man, who is helping people, I never seen him before in my village and he never belongs there. He looks so handsome and his dress were so neat and clean, his shoes were so shinny. The guards around him and the way he rides his horse proved me that he should be a prince of some provinces. He was surrounded by girls crowd, of course he is a prince all girls eyes were on him. I was so sure that he will never know my existence so I decided not to waste my time, by looking at him. When I started to move forward I heard few horse steps behind me, I turned and he is right there coming towards me. I was shocked , my heart is pumping fast , I can feel all the neurons busting inside my brain, I can feel the fear and kind of butterfly effect in my gutter, inspite all of this, I stood still and acted like nothing is happening. I can see him coming towards me riding a horse like a king, as he approached me , he step down from horse and asked me, Miss do you need any help? My whole body went shutdown and my brain went blank. I didn't even reply, I just starred at his gracious and glowing face. In my mind I started to thing, he should be the true heir of angels in sky, coz no one can ever attracted me with a face. I can sense the purity of his mind. and there was a other voice I can hear "" Miss can you hear me, do you need any favor?"" and I realized. omg its him again, he talking to me, he is asking me, I should reply and I did. No sire, thank you and I started walking away from him because, I don't know how to reacted to him. He came back to me and blocked my path and said "" looks like your horse is hurt,Miss ? And this time I said, Yes sire, my horse is hurt, it is in pain, I need to take him to my father as soon as possible, so that he can help him from his pain. After I said that i again started walking away from him , from behind he shouted, "I can help him" if you wish!!. I turned and look towards him, he looks like a trustworthy person and my chester is in pain, so I accepted his offer. He called his guards to bring him the medkit and he himself started to treat chester. While treating chester he looked at me and smiled, no one has ever gave me that look in my whole life, it was beautiful and I felt so comfort. He asked me,"" where are you from????"" , I replied, I belong to the near by Eden village. He again looked at me and smiled. He gazed at me as a treasure and I never expected that, moreover His eyes were glowing in purity and love. He blushed and made me to blush. Before I try to say thanks his guards compelled him to go back to palace as it is getting darker. So He left, within a sec, he disappeared in that darkness. I stopped and looked for him, but he is nowhere, so I returned home. It was the butterfly moment, I was thinking about the whole night and how I missed to thank him. His memories started to pester me, I felt happy for no reason. Sometimes I feel like, everything was a dream ,he was fake and imagination but the healed wounds in chester is proof of his existence. I have heard lot of stories about the nearby provinces and prince and his humble gesture. I really wished to see him again. As Days passby there was no trace of the prince. So I decided to step out of the village once gain. I took chester with me and went to search for the unknown prince, I searched from morning, but, I cannot find him anywhere, I lost the hope and decide to return. Every time I stepped out of the village, I felt like someone is following me, but soon I realized it is just my fear and started to ignore the instinct. My search went for days, without anyone knowledge, the intense search of my love boy continues, the that fact, that I cannot have him, made me to fall in love so madly with him. one fine day, when I was in search , I felt like someone presence near me, looks like someone is watching me from the deep thick dense forest. I freaked out, and decide to go back as it is gonna get dark in few hours. But my mind asked me to check on the forest after all everything my father said was a myth, I decided to go and explore the forest while it's still bright. I started moving forward to the forest, the unknown fear strikes me, I controlled it and took further steps, I heard a horror screaming of pain, the voice from the forest was getting loud and intense, looks like someone is coming for me...I started screaming and begun to run back with chester , while we r running so fast, we went through an another route, chester slipped and fell in a slope and He got hurt, I can still hear the some voice that approaching towards me, somehow i trying to pick him up and wish to reach the village before the voice catch me. But chester is so hurt, I cant leave him, in those bushes, as the voice came closer, I panicked, closed my eyes and hugged chester tightly in fear. With my eyes closed I can sense someone is trying to touch me, soon I felt someone hand on me...I shouteddddddd...then the voice goes Miss r u okay??????. I still didn't open my eyes, my heart is pumping in fear and I am breathing heavily with teary eyes and started murmuring plz don't hurt me!! Plz don't hurt me!! Again the voice goes like " Miss its okay , I m not gonna hurt you, open your eyes". I heard that voice before, I opened my eyes, the tears rolled down, with blurry teary eyes I saw my prince. Its him, he is reaching is hands for me, I looked at him, for a while and then realized there is no danger and took his hand. He asked me are you okay Miss??? I said no, and told him that someone was chasing me from the forest and all the stories and how I chester got hurt and more as I was talking continuously in fear , he suddenly hugged me tightly and said, its okay I am here, everything gonna be just fine. I was already in the shock and I never hugged a man before, everything felt strange , new And weird but I didn't deny his hug, as I felt safe around his arms. I was first taken aback , I never expected him, in the first place, and I never thought I would even speak to him. But now he is with me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2020 ⏰

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